Bakersfield City Councilman/Former GOP Kern County Chair Ken Weir:  Theft of Over $200,000 was not worth criminal complaint

Bakersfield City Councilman/Former GOP Kern County Chair Ken Weir:  Theft of Over $200,000 was not worth criminal complaint

You would expect the Democrats to overlook the theft of $200,000 from the Party bank account.  But a Republican, who campaigns on public safety and law and order?  Yup, in 2019 the Kern County GOP Chair, Ken Weir, found that his treasurer over a period of six years STOLE (embezzlement is such a nice word) more than $200,000.

Yet, as Chair he NEVER filed a criminal complaint. 

Now this “do not prosecute thieves” city councilman is running as a write in candidate for the Vince Fong Assembly seat, as the candidate of the Establishment.  Someone needs to ask him why he claims he wants to lower the $950 threshold for petty thieves, when a big time crook is not prosecuted?

Why does the Republican Party have a credibility problem?  Ken Weir is a great example—and the shenanigans of Vince Fong running for two offices at the same time is another.

“In a conciliation agreement with the Federal Elections Commission, Bryan Williams agreed to pay a $20,528 fine for making around $272,000 in payments from the Kern GOP’s bank account to his personal bank account and credit cards from 2013 to 2019.

The fine, which was first reported by Issue One, a Washington D.C.-based political reform organization, was issued on Dec. 23, with payment due within 30 days.”

FEC fines former Kern GOP treasurer for embezzling more than $200K

by SAM MORGEN, 1/24/22, 

The former treasurer for the Kern County Republican Central Committee has admitted to embezzling more than $200,000 over nearly six years.

In a conciliation agreement with the Federal Elections Commission, Bryan Williams agreed to pay a $20,528 fine for making around $272,000 in payments from the Kern GOP’s bank account to his personal bank account and credit cards from 2013 to 2019.

The fine, which was first reported by Issue One, a Washington D.C.-based political reform organization, was issued on Dec. 23, with payment due within 30 days.

The FEC discovered the improper financial activity after looking into two payments totaling $218,546.39 Williams had made to the Kern GOP in July and March of 2019, which were included in financial documents submitted to the commission.

According to an FEC report on the investigation, the Kern GOP’s consulting firm, Western Pacific Research, became suspicious of potential financial irregularities beginning in December 2018, when Williams failed to attend regular committee meetings, provided infrequent monthly reports and a vendor submitted a notice of non-payment. The report states Williams subsequently changed the key to the Kern GOP’s mailbox, preventing anyone else from accessing it.

“The Kern County Republican Party appreciates the assistance of the Federal Election Commission and its office in addressing the inappropriate action of Mr. Williams, the former associate with the Central Committee,” Charles H. Bell, the Kern GOP’s attorney, said in a letter to The Californian. “When the Party first became aware of these actions by our former associate, we promptly engaged legal counsel, began working with the necessary law enforcement agencies, and reviewed our procedures and protocols to rectify Mr. William’s acts or omissions, and cooperated fully with the FEC in providing information that became part of the facts to which Mr. Williams stipulated.”

Because the matter is still under investigation by law enforcement, the letter continued, the Kern GOP could not comment further on the issue.tay







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Williams, who was the Kern GOP’s treasurer from March 2013 to before he was removed in February 2019, could not be reached for comment.

The Kern GOP also declined to clarify which law enforcement agency was investigating.

For many years, Williams was a familiar face within local Republican circles. According to previous reporting, he was born and raised in Ridgecrest, graduating from San Francisco State University in 2005 with a degree in political science. He has worked for both former state Sen. Jean Fuller and Supervisor Zack Scrivner, as well as serving as chairman of the Kern County Young Republicans.

As treasurer, he was the sole authorized signatory for all Kern GOP bank accounts. While treasurer, he provided false reports to the committee’s campaign finance consultant, the FEC determined.

According to the report on the investigation, Williams signed documents acknowledging he owed the Kern GOP, and had paid partial restitution in 2019.

Subsequent financial disclosures to the FEC by Williams indicate “financial hardship” prevents him from paying the full penalty of the fine. The FEC agreed to accept the partial payment due to Williams’ financial situation.

The Kern GOP says it has instituted new internal controls based on best practices to prevent such an event from happening again.