Bialosky: After the Election

By the hour we are getting new information on the people Trump is appointing to high office.  At the same time, we have seen foreign nation slow down or stop their anti-American efforts.  Businesses are leaving China and the EU is on notice we will not fork over hundreds of billions to them, to kill our economy in the name of climate change.

“What has been missing in all the analysis is Republicans have recently become the plurality party for the first time in 30 years. That accounts for a large part of growth in voters for Trump. There are two reasons I believe this has happened. The Democrats’ policies are out of touch with Americans and have failed them particularly in the last four years. The other is the popularity of Donald J. Trump. Like Reagan before him, he brought many people to the party.

The Democrats deserved to lose. They lied to the American public for years about Joe Biden’s mental acuity. The Democrats did not stop him from seeking a second term. In fact, they did everything they could to stop any potential challengers.

Then they did one of the most despicable acts in modern American political history. After Biden won 14 million primary votes and was set to formally accept the nomination at their convention, Trump agreed to an early debate. Biden’s unfitness for office was on full display.”

We are about to see the great American revival—thanks to Trump and the people of the U.S. on November 5.

After the Election

Posted by Bruce Bialosky, Flashreport,  11/10/24

First the Dodgers won the World Series. Then Trump wins big on election night bringing along a few Senate seats and the House while winning the popular vote. God did not intend us to have this much joy — and in just one week.

First, let me be clear – the Trump win was obviously because the country is racist and sexist. How else could we have voted for the Orangeman over that wonderful woman?

PolitiFact has checked and, no, Trump did not win the election. They will get back to you with the actual results.

We keep being told that we are doomed because the Left controls the press and our schools and colleges. I keep saying despite their pervasive attempts to control our thoughts, the American people keep seeing through their malarkey and vote against their message carriers. I still have faith in what we now call “the average American.”

What has been missing in all the analysis is Republicans have recently become the plurality party for the first time in 30 years. That accounts for a large part of growth in voters for Trump. There are two reasons I believe this has happened. The Democrats’ policies are out of touch with Americans and have failed them particularly in the last four years. The other is the popularity of Donald J. Trump. Like Reagan before him, he brought many people to the party.

The Democrats deserved to lose. They lied to the American public for years about Joe Biden’s mental acuity. The Democrats did not stop him from seeking a second term. In fact, they did everything they could to stop any potential challengers.

Then they did one of the most despicable acts in modern American political history. After Biden won 14 million primary votes and was set to formally accept the nomination at their convention, Trump agreed to an early debate. Biden’s unfitness for office was on full display.

The Democrat puppet masters told Biden he had to go. Within hours his highly unpopular and unqualified Vice-President was installed as the nominee. When I questioned the validity of the process to a Democrat friend, he asked why I care since the Democrats do not. Speaks volumes of their character – win at all costs. Well, they didn’t win. Even though they threw an estimated $1.5 billion dollars behind her, they could not make her anything other than a pathetic candidate.

Can we now dispense with the idea that the Republicans are the party of fat cats and billionaires? Harris was spouting off about Trump and his billionaire friends while taking the stage with Mark Cuban, Beyonce, and Oprah.

Her campaign will be remembered for two verbal assaults on our senses. First, when asked a serious question about the economic challenges of our citizens she repeatedly replied, “I was raised in a middle-class family.” She was mocked properly and mercilessly for that response. Then on election eve at a rally with only a couple hundred people, she tried to start a chant “Let’s get out the vote, Let’s get out the vote.” It was beyond cringeworthy as no one joined her. Holistically speaking, she was a disaster. I was begging to bring back Michael Dukakis. Anyone but Harris.

There were other reasons these people should not be in power. Virginia removed about 1,600 people from the voter rolls because of being foreigners. The Department of Justice (DOJ) sued the state. Governor Glenn Youngkin explained, “This is simple, these people signed affidavits about jury duty that they were foreigners. What is the question?” He was so clear and so correct. Yet, the DOJ took the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. Fortunately, the DOJ lost.

Our election was run a lot cleaner this time. Most of the mail-in ballots were counted before the polls closed so we didn’t have to wait days. There is still room for improvement. Two days after the election 5% of our Congressional seats are undecided. That is just wrong.

We still need enhancements to our process, with the most important being voter ID. Eighty percent of Americans are in favor of it and every other significant democracy requires it. The only reason I have heard against having a voter ID is so someone can cheat. Maybe now we can join modern society throughout the world and require it.

Roll over Grover Cleveland, tell Benjamin Harrison the news — Donald Trump is here. They threw everything at him. As Elton John sang: “I’m Still Standing” and he won.

What I am most interested in (other than straightening out our economy and our border) is the proposed commission headed by Elon Musk to do a deep dive into our bloated government. When he speaks of cutting up to $2 trillion out of the federal government, even some of Trump’s supporters question how that would harm the economy. My question is how long should we go on with this ridiculous annual budget deficit?

The Democrats have exploded the size of the federal bureaucracy. Our government does too many things, has too many agencies and departments, and wastes billions of dollars in the hands of out-of-control bureaucrats who think they run the government rather than our elected officials. They make it nearly impossible for the productive people in our economy to do what they do best – create jobs and income for our citizens. The most terrifying words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I am here to help.” Ronald Reagan was absolutely correct then as now. It is almost universally the opposite.

I have it on good authority that the producers of The View have offered Harris a spot on their panel. A fitting role for someone who spouts off about many things but says nothing.

We have a lot of housecleaning to do. President Trump, you need to wear your orange vest again and get back in the garbage truck. The party is over – let’s get to work.