Biden/Democrats UGLY Racism to be Economic Policy

Joe Biden has decided, after the election to admit that he and the Democrat Party is the Racist Party—the same Party that founded the KKK, created Jim Crow laws and suppressed the vote of black people for over 100 years.

“Joe Biden plans to help small businesses hard-hit by COVID with federal funds, but apparently only if those establishments fit within the parameters of identity politics, a philosophy which itself is a priority for Democrats.

Reading off a teleprompter, Biden explained that “Our focus will be on small businesses on Main Street that aren’t wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through no fault of their own. Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American-owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.”

No priority for white owned businesses.  The best policy would be to stop the policies that are harming jobs and businesses—all of them.  Help all jobs and businesses without regard to race or ethnic origin.  Otherwise, Biden will prove once again that the Democrat Party is the home of racism.  Disagree?

Something missing? Biden’s priorities to re-open ‘Black, Latino, Asian, Native American, women-owned businesses’

Robert Jonathan, Biz Pac Review,  1/11/21   

Joe Biden plans to help small businesses hard-hit by COVID with federal funds, but apparently only if those establishments fit within the parameters of identity politics, a philosophy which itself is a priority for Democrats.

Reading off a teleprompter, Biden explained that “Our focus will be on small businesses on Main Street that aren’t wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through no fault of their own. Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American-owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.

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“But we’re gonna make a concerted effort to help small businesses in low-income communities, in big cities, small towns, rural communities that have faced systemic barriers to relief,” he added in a video clip on the  Biden-Harris Presidential Transition Twitter feed.

Although Biden’ statement contains the word “systemic,” one of the liberals’ favorite buzzwords, omitted from his remarks is the recognition that business owners from all walks of life and demographics and who usually lack connections are in dire financial shape given the challenging economic consequences of the pandemic and the lockdowns.

Moreover, the Democrats have become the party of Wall Street (and Big Tech) rather than Main Street.

There is also the possibility that a business owner will game the system (as some have done in the past with similar federal programs) by setting up a shell company with front men or women selected for the purpose of qualifying for government cash.

In a paternalistic assertion, Biden — a career politician with virtually no private-sector experience — went on to suggest that mom and pop businesses that he claims he wants to help, apparently lack the acumen to pick-up a phone and call a banker or engage the services of a lawyer or accountant “to help them through this complicated process” of accessing COVID-relief funds.

In a note of irony or perhaps lack of self-awareness, Biden lamented the fact that the restaurant industry has been “slammed by this virus” and vowed to support them in particular.

It is mostly Democrat governors, mayors, and other officials, however, who have crushed the hospitality sector with draconian restrictions that they often have themselves violated.

Biden cheerleaders on Twitter loved the messaging, but others registered a dissenting opinion. Here is a sample: