Joe Biden wants your baby dead. What other excuse could there be for using your Federal tax dollars and employees to promote baby killing—he calls it abortion—and at the same time keeping this from the parents. For a man that raised Hunter Biden, the drug addled, prostitute using, corrupt supporter of terrorist nations and takes millions from those who want our country gone—why should Joe be able to keep the information of a 14 year old in Oklahoma secret from her parents?
“The memo came from Health and Human Services, and the White House passed it along on official letterhead. “Know Your Rights: Reproductive Health Care,” read the title of the document that represents the latest effort by the Biden administration to make good on the president’s post-Roe promise to “do all in my power to protect a woman’s right” to an abortion.
The memo in question points the public to, an online tool that provides pregnant women information on where they can terminate their pregnancy. The website also directs minors “15 or younger,” RealClearPolitics was first to report, to resources for bypassing
Joe Biden has no respect for the Supreme Court, the taxpayers or life. He is a liar when he claims to be a Faithful Catholic and he has broken his office of oath. Worse, he has no respect for life. His only excuse for the could be that he is so mentally ill and incoherent he does not know what he is doing. This is elder abuse b his wife.
White House Promotes ‘AbortionFinder’ Tool Helping Minors Skirt Parental Notification
By Philip Wegmann , Real Clear Politics, 7/1/22

The memo came from Health and Human Services, and the White House passed it along on official letterhead. “Know Your Rights: Reproductive Health Care,” read the title of the document that represents the latest effort by the Biden administration to make good on the president’s post-Roe promise to “do all in my power to protect a woman’s right” to an abortion.
The memo in question points the public to, an online tool that provides pregnant women information on where they can terminate their pregnancy. The website also directs minors “15 or younger,” RealClearPolitics was first to report, to resources for bypassing parental notification laws.
“Some states require people under 18 to involve a parent or guardian when getting an abortion,” a pop-up window announces to minors seeking an abortion. “If you need to avoid involving a parent or guardian, contact the If/When/How Judicial Bypass (JB) Helpline for information about getting a judicial bypass.”
That hotline and the accompanying online Abortion Finder are products of Power to Decide, a pro-abortion nonprofit funded, in part, by federal grants from the Department of Health and Human Services. And for now, the White House is leaning on allied outside organizations like these to preserve access to abortion.
The regulatory landscape has already shifted with almost half of the states preparing to significantly limit or outlaw abortion altogether. Some Democrats, including Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have called on the president to build abortion clinics in federal parks and on military bases. Others want Biden to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court, adding pro-abortion judges for the express purpose of reversing the opinion. He has rejected both those ideas. Otherwise, the president is all ears.
Biden called on Congress to codify Roe, either during this Congress or the next, if Democrats expand their majorities. And the president supports changing the Senate filibuster to ease passage.
Meanwhile, according to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, options are limited. “There is no magic bullet,” Becerra told reporters at a Tuesday press conference, “but if there is something we can do, we will find it and we will do it.” As of now, that includes giving minors the resources needed to find an abortion provider and, if necessary, to secure an abortion without notifying their parents.
Power to Decide has focused on reducing teen pregnancy since its founding in 1996, and the abortion advocacy organization lists Google, the Ford Foundation, and the Bayer Corporation among its many major funders. It has also received significant financial support from the federal government since 2001. Previously called the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Power to Decide has received nearly $16 million in grants from the HHS, a figure that includes $897,585 awarded in the first year of the Biden administration.
According to public lobbying disclosures, the federally funded group also lobbied Congress in support of a number of key White House priorities. “We also worked to advance policies that would reduce barriers to abortion care,” the organization wrote in its 990 tax-exempt documents, “including the elimination of the Hyde Amendment from the president’s budget and the House-Passed FY2022 appropriations bill and the passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act.”
Power to Decide declined to comment when contacted by RealClearPolitics. The White House, meanwhile, referred RCP to HHS when asked about its efforts to shore up abortion access and, in some cases, to provide resources to minors looking to skirt parental notification laws. That agency, however, did not return repeated RCP requests for comment.
Congressional Republicans are already furious. “Here’s Joe Biden turning to a Google and Big Pharma-funded outfit to help teenagers – 15 and younger – get abortions. Priorities,” tweeted Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley. Michigan Rep. Lisa McClain blasted the Biden administration, telling Fox News that the move was “unbelievable.”
Abortion advocates such as the ACLU have long argued that parental notification laws jeopardize the health of teenagers and that “the risks of delayed and denied health care far outweigh the costs of permitting teens to consent on their own to abortion services.”
Abortion opponents respond that parental notification laws are necessary safeguards to protect minors who, in some cases, may be victims of sexual assault.
“The White House instructing young girls on how to go around their parents to get abortions is radical and dangerous. Parental involvement policies are wildly popular – they protect children from exploitation by the profit-driven abortion industry and abusers and traffickers who use abortion to cover up their crimes,” said Mallory Carroll, a spokeswoman for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.
Abortion opponents such as Carroll warn that the White House is overplaying its hand. “Pro-abortion Democrats have failed to learn the political and moral lesson from the Virginia elections last year that you don’t come between parents and their children,” she told RCP in a statement. “They should expect similar results.”