Biden Now Claims DEAD People support His Economic Plan. Get Harris Ready, NOW

Joe Biden is more than mentally challenged—he is a danger to himself and to his country.  Now he is claiming that the past five Federal Reserve Chairs support his jobs plan.  But TWO are dead, two are silent and the only past Fed Chair to support the jobs plan is Janet Yellen—the Biden Secretary of the Treasury.  Yellen is the same person promoting an international tax on Americans—going to the United Nations.

“That’s not true. In fact, two of the five chairs before incumbent Jerome Powell—G. William Miller and Paul Volcker—are now dead.

Two of the three living previous Fed chairs—Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke—have been quiet or vague about the $2.3 trillion spending proposal Biden has put forth in the name of “infrastructure” and “jobs.” Greenspan’s only comments on it seem to be about infrastructure spending generally, and I can find no comments from Bernanke.

Only former Chair Janet Yellen, who is now Biden’s treasury secretary, has really been promoting it.

So what the heck was Biden talking about?”

This is not the first thing Biden has been incoherent about.  A month ago he spoke in Texas and was heard after the speech asking an aide where he was and why was he there?  Biden is mentally ill and needs help.  But, this guy has his finger on the button to cause nuclear war, has been appointing as many anti-Jewish, anti-Israel people to State Department and national security positions—and racists to destroy the military.  Even though Kamala Harris is a socialist with little difference on policy with Putin, we can not afford a very sick person to be President.  It is time for the 25th Amendment.

Biden Claims 5 Past Fed Chairs Back His Jobs Plan, but 2 Are Dead and 2 More Have Been Quiet About It

Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason,  5/11/21  

Biden claims dead economists love his jobs plan. The past five leaders of the Federal Reserve have come out in support of President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan, the president told reporters at the White House last week. “What’d they say? They said, ‘Biden’s plan is going to grow the economy,'” Biden claimed.

That’s not true. In fact, two of the five chairs before incumbent Jerome Powell—G. William Miller and Paul Volcker—are now dead.

Two of the three living previous Fed chairs—Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke—have been quiet or vague about the $2.3 trillion spending proposal Biden has put forth in the name of “infrastructure” and “jobs.” Greenspan’s only comments on it seem to be about infrastructure spending generally, and I can find no comments from Bernanke.

Only former Chair Janet Yellen, who is now Biden’s treasury secretary, has really been promoting it.

So what the heck was Biden talking about?

A White House official told CNN that Biden had misspoken and meant to reference a May 4 Washington Post op-ed written by five former commissioners of the IRS.

But this, too, falls somewhat short of accuracy. “The former IRS commissioners did not say anything about how Biden’s plan would affect economic growth,” notes CNN.

Rather, they said Biden’s proposals—including a well-funded effort to crack down on the non-payment of taxes owed—would make the tax administration system “far fairer and more effective” and “produce a great deal of revenue by reducing the enormous gap between taxes legally owed and taxes actually paid.”

Even if this was an accidental mix-up by Biden, it was a substantial mix-up. A positive economic forecast from former tax chiefs is almost certainly less likely to sound impressive to the public than a positive economic forecast from people who ran the US central bank and are among the nation’s best-known economic figures. And, again, there was no economic forecast at all in the tax chiefs’ article.

In the past week, Biden has also made a false claim (again) about how many jobs his plan would create:

On May 2, we pointed out that, after early-April fact checks from CNN and others, Biden’s team had stopped wrongly claiming or suggesting that economic firm Moody’s Analytics found that the American Jobs Plan proposal would create 19 million jobs.

Well, Biden made a version of the claim last week. In a slightly different form than the original, but that new form was misleading too—and Biden added an additional inaccuracy this time.

In his Thursday speech in Louisiana, Biden said, “All the economists, including the liberal as well as conservative think tanks, point out what we’ll create when we pass this Jobs Plan—we’ll create up to 16 million good-paying jobs.” And in the White House speech the day prior, Biden said, “You have Moody’s talking about increasing it up to—I don’t know what the most recent one is—16 million new jobs.”

Not only is there no liberal-conservative (or any sort of) consensus about job creation here, “even Moody’s did not say the plan would create up to 16 million jobs,” notes CNN.

Rather, Moody’s estimated in May that the economy will create about 16.5 million jobs between the fourth quarter of 2020 and the fourth quarter of 2030 if the American Jobs Plan is not passed, or create about 19.2 million jobs if Biden’s plan is passed. In other words, Moody’s found that the passage of the American Jobs Plan would produce 2.7 million additional jobs, not up to 16 million.

These fibs or flubs about the American Jobs Plan last week come in addition to Biden’s false claims about CEO pay, which he said last week was more than 450 times that of the average worker. The discrepancy is large, but not that large, according to progressive think tank the Economic Policy Institute. It said in a 2019 study that CEOs at the 350 largest U.S. companies made 320—not 456—times what the average worker at these companies did.