Biden Wants Netanyahu to Convert?  Joe Biden Caught on Hot Mic Saying That Netanyahu Needs to ‘Come to Jesus’

Yes, the phrase “Come to Jesus meeting” describes a tough situation, in the case of demented Joe Biden using it may be something else.

Imagine Roosevelt building piers and providing “humanitarian” aid to Hitler and the German people?  Yet Biden wants to air drop supplies and build a pier so supplies can more easily get to Gaza.  Guess no one told him that Gaza is controlled by the Hamas—and they will determine who gets the supplies.  Plus, while food could come through the Hamas controlled pier, so could weapons?  Who will stop that?  Yup, Biden is literally allowing those wanting to kill Jews—globally—to have weapons, food and medicine—little will get to the people suffering because of Hamas.

With all that, Biden wants to tell Israel to stop defending itself—and forget about the hostages.  Note in his State of the Union speech he did not mention getting back Hamas held American hostages, though he did beg Putin to release, in a one sentence note, to release two Americans—Whelan and Evan.

Telling a Jew to “come to Jesus” to many seems like old fashion hate.  I am sure Biden did not mean it that way, but he says a lot of things that make no sense.

Joe Biden Caught on Hot Mic Saying That Netanyahu Needs to ‘Come to Jesus’

Sarah Arnold, Townhall,  3/9/24

President Joe Biden did it again. He embarrassed the country and reminded us yet again why he needed to go. 

Following his State of the Union address, Biden was caught on a hot mic while revealing a private “come to Jesus” conversation he had with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

While speaking to Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, Bennet told Biden that he had just returned from Jordan, urging the president to “keep doing what you’re doing on the humanitarian stuff” regarding the Israel-Gaza war.

Biden then said “Don’t repeat this… I told him, Bibi [Netanyahu]— you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ moment.” 

Almost immediately on cue, an aid nearby appeared to lean in and warn Biden that he was being recorded by a camera close by. 

“I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That was good,” Biden said, signaling to Blinken that he would talk to him later. 

Biden has been publicly critical of Netanyahu in the past and has pressured Israel to make amends with Palestine. 

Biden announced this week that an emergency pier will be built off the coast of Gaza to deliver aid. 

The pier, built by US military members, will receive “large ships carrying food, water, medicine.”

“I’m directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters,” Biden said, adding “No U.S. boots will be on the ground. This temporary pier would enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day. But Israel must also do its part.”

Biden called on Israel to continue delivering aid to Gaza and “ensure that humanitarian workers aren’t caught in the crossfire.”