Are the union writers pricing themselves out of a job? Looks like it. Why not use AI? Why not use writers in other countries? Why not use writers who do not pay bribes and are owned/controlled by unions?
““They’re asking for a lot of things that are, like, kooky,” Maher said. “What I find objectionable about the philosophy of the strike [is] it seems to be, they have really morphed a long way from 2007’s strike, where they kind of believe that you’re owed a living as a writer, and you’re not. This is show business. This is the make-or-miss league.”
While Maher agreed that streaming platforms need to be more transparent with viewership data, he also believed that people are missing the “big other side” to the story in the strike, likening it to America’s growing divide.”
The write about how good racism is, approve of sexual grooming, hate America—and for this they want top dollar.
Bill Maher: Striking Hollywood Writers Not Owed a Living Wage

PAUL BOIS, Breitbart, 9/6/23
Comedian and HBO late-night host Bill Maher said that the ongoing WGA strike came at the “wrong time,” adding that the Hollywood writers have “no leverage.”
Speaking with fellow comedian Jim Gaffigan on the Club Random podcast, Maher, whose own show Real Time on HBO was shut down due to the strike, felt that the writers had some “kooky” requests.
“They’re asking for a lot of things that are, like, kooky,” Maher said. “What I find objectionable about the philosophy of the strike [is] it seems to be, they have really morphed a long way from 2007’s strike, where they kind of believe that you’re owed a living as a writer, and you’re not. This is show business. This is the make-or-miss league.”
While Maher agreed that streaming platforms need to be more transparent with viewership data, he also believed that people are missing the “big other side” to the story in the strike, likening it to America’s growing divide.
“I feel for my writers. I love my writers. I’m one of my writers. But there’s a big other side to it,” Mahersaid. “And a lot of people are being hurt besides them — a lot of people who don’t make as much money as them in this bipartisan world we have where you’re just in one camp or the other, there’s no in between.”
“You’re either for the strike like they’re fucking Che Guevara out there, you know, like, this is Cesar Chavez’s lettuce picking strike — or you’re with Trump. There’s no difference — there’s only two camps. And it’s much more complicated than that,” he continued.
Worse still, Maher said that the writers have virtually no leverage in their fight, given that the studios and streaming services have a massive library of content they can have people watch.
“[Streamers] have tons of stuff in stock, so they have no reason to wanna settle this strike,” he said. “They struck at just the wrong time; they have no leverage. Has anyone who is watching TV recently noticed a difference? Has it affected the person down the pipeline? I don’t think so. I haven’t noticed a difference. At some point, I guess that will happen. What day is that when Netflix runs out of what they have in the warehouse?”
In response to the candid statements, certain members of the WGA strongly criticized Maher on X, formerly known as Twitter.
I’m reminded of the baseball strike years ago. A bunch of millionaires going on strike. Pitiful.
Welcome to the 21st century. Apparently the writers are struggling to hold onto a tiny lifeline in a tornado of progress in AI that will dramatically change how human writers can work. If the writers cannot get on the bandwagon and figure out how to re-invent their work to embrace AI, they will be thrown out with yesterday’s trash.
Of course the concept that “everyone deserves a living wage” is classic Marxist and has no place in a free market economy.
That’s right. Writers have to survive just like everyone else in this world turning marxist. They get offshored, our workers got offshored: Join the crowd. These writers are mostly liberals too so they get what they’ve been voting for. It would be great if writers were paid what they are worth, and apparently it’s not much. They have supported perverse Hollywood, all the child sex grooming, the adrenachrone parties, the devil worship and human sacrifices.. Now they expect those leaders of all this perversion in Hollywood to treat them fairly? Not going to happen.
All I see with the imagination of this generation is take a movie or a TV show from the 1980’s rewrite with DEI and some inclusivity and watch it bomb. Need I site some examples Disney’s Snow White, Hobbit, Magnum PI, which already had a natural inclusivity because US is not systemically racist, they took The Bad News Bears and added a gay and tran perhaps, most of Disney movies are hacks putting a black mermaid as Arial when Hans Christian Anderson had a different idea. They try to ruin what was successful and then they ruin with Marxist indoctrination. Just disgusting and AI can take their jobs because they cannot create and are not allowed to by the studios. So, kiss Hollyweird adieu. Glamor left a long time ago.