Even former radicals now understand the extortion and corruption of the proposal to give $5 million to every black in San Fran, based on slavery. San Fran never allowed slavery—so this is really just an excuse to steal from the productive.
“”I think it’s important that, first of all, we call this exactly what it is: This is 111 ways to gaslight Black Americans into thinking that we need to be dependent on a system of handouts in order to be successful,” DuRousseau said, adding he once believed the left-wing claims.
“Black Americans have been indoctrinated with these lies for far too long, and I used to fall for the lies until I took a deep dive into the videos on PragerU.com and realized how easily debunked these fraudulent narratives surrounding systemic racism actually are,” he said.
If passed watch every black hustler possible claim to have lived in San Fran for years—just to steal $5 million. The EDD gave unemployment checks to people in prison, San Fran will give it to Lori Lightfoot.
BLM member-turned-conservative decries San Francisco ‘selling oppression’ via reparation plan

Xaviaer DuRousseau calls plan ‘111 ways to gaslight Black Americans’ into feeling dependent
By Charles Creitz | Fox News, 3/15/23
A former Black Lives Matter activist ripped his onetime ideology Wednesday after San Francisco’s board expressed support for reparations.
Xaviaer DuRousseau, now a PragerU personality who said he has ties to the Bay Area, told “The Ingraham Angle” the plan is a case of social justice “virtue-signaling” to “indoctrinate” minorities into feeling oppressed.
“I think it’s important that, first of all, we call this exactly what it is: This is 111 ways to gaslight Black Americans into thinking that we need to be dependent on a system of handouts in order to be successful,” DuRousseau said, adding he once believed the left-wing claims.
“Black Americans have been indoctrinated with these lies for far too long, and I used to fall for the lies until I took a deep dive into the videos on PragerU.com and realized how easily debunked these fraudulent narratives surrounding systemic racism actually are,” he said.
Host Laura Ingraham reported officials in the city are dangling money, property and debt forgiveness prospects at potential benefactors, asking if such promises will instead blow up in their face.
“Absolutely. This is never going to actually happen. It is so unrealistic to think that the average family in San Francisco is going to be able to pay $600,000 extra apiece,” DuRousseau said, citing the Hoover Institution’s estimate.
The former BLM activist said that most critics are more concerned with the $5 million prescribed to each Black family, but that the truly worst prospect in the proposal is a plan to sell homes for as low as $1 to Black Americans.
“As an American and as someone who used to live in the San Francisco Bay Area, it’s disgusting to me that we are more focused on slavery, which ended in 1865, than we’re focused on the veterans who are on the streets of San Francisco — homeless and begging for spare change — in 2023,” he said.
Ingraham later said that many in the woke crowd who support such endeavors rarely want to bankroll their exorbitant proposals.
“They never do,” DuRousseau agreed. “If I went up to a White liberal and handed them my Venmo account, they wouldn’t send me any money, but they’re the first people to demand reparations, because it’s just another level of them virtue-signaling.”
Instead, he said, pro-reparations and BLM activists are content to enrich themselves selling books and other curricula. “They’re selling Black people their own oppression, because it’s profitable to indoctrinate people with victim mentality,” he conclude