BLM: We will “LOOT FOR JUSTICE” in California Stores

It has become an adventure by the BLM—they have stopped looting, for the purpose of stealing, destroying or harming businesses.  Nope, they are now wearing the crown of “Justice”.  They steal, loot for “social justice” not personal gain.  Either way government is not stopping it and business owners and employees are the losers.  At some point good stores will close down and move to other states or just end doing business.  Note the media, Maxine Waters nor Newsom have denounced this abuse of the term “justice.

BLM agitators tried to organize a ‘loot for justice’ event by targeting a shopping mall in California, prompting a police response.

The planned looting was a response to the police killing of Ma’Khia Bryant, who was shot dead by a cop in Columbus, Ohio after she tried to stab two other people.

Leftists have lied about the incident in an effort to create another George Floyd moment, when in reality the responding officer literally saved the lives of two African-American women.

Seeking an opportunity to exploit the incident for more rampant criminality, BLM extremists tried to organize a “loot until justice is served” shopping spree last night at the Bayfair Center shopping mall near Oakland.

A cop in Ohio SAVES the life of a black girl—by killing another black girl trying to stab to death the victim, and that is cause to loot—what justice is served?  Just a bunch of hoodlums use race and a stupid tolerant society allowing criminals to be free, while government keeps innocent people locked up in their houses based on a scam.

‘Loot For Justice’: BLM Agitators Target Stores in California

Police response heads off planned crime spree.

Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News,  4/22/21 

BLM agitators tried to organize a ‘loot for justice’ event by targeting a shopping mall in California, prompting a police response.

The planned looting was a response to the police killing of Ma’Khia Bryant, who was shot dead by a cop in Columbus, Ohio after she tried to stab two other people.

Leftists have lied about the incident in an effort to create another George Floyd moment, when in reality the responding officer literally saved the lives of two African-American women.

Seeking an opportunity to exploit the incident for more rampant criminality, BLM extremists tried to organize a “loot until justice is served” shopping spree last night at the Bayfair Center shopping mall near Oakland.

The same mall was targeted in May 2020 during the George Floyd riots.

Messages were posted to Instagram encouraging people to “follow the crowd” as they targeted multiple stores in the area.

Unfortunately for the looters, the San Leandro Police Department were alerted to the issue and reacted quickly by stationing officers around the planned targets.

“The San Leandro Police Department has received reports of planned looting at Bayfair Center tonight. In response, we have brought in additional officers to reinforce patrol and will have a heavy presence at that location,” said a statement.

“The City of San Leandro and the San Leandro Police Department respects the rights of people to peacefully protest, but the information we have is that criminal activity is being planned. That information is based on statements made by known actors associated with other recent acts of looting and vandalism. Therefore, we are not taking this matter lightly and are preparing for it.”

Since last year’s riots, the media has repeatedly insisted that looting is a justified response to allegations of police brutality, despite most of the looters clearly being criminal opportunist thugs who don’t care about justice and merely want to get their hands on a pair of new Nike Air.

Earlier this month, Footlocker stores in Minnesota were looted and trashed once again despite the company having donated $200 million dollars to Black Lives Matter causes in the past year.