Boudin Scam to Stop His Recall in San Fran?

Here is a scam on the people and voters of San Fran.  The DA has made San Fran an drug headquarters—on every street corner.  He allows gangs to operate—then if caught breaking the law, refusing to prosecute or giving them probation at best.  Killers do not get the full extent of the law and shop lifters are treated like royalty for the DA and cops.  So, the victims, the people of San Fran, have started a Recall of Chesa Boudin the son of convicted terrorists and murderers!  Raised by a convicted terrorist and murder—now able to give back to his community—of criminals and terrorists.

So, has does he stop the Recall?  By creating his own Recall, then using it to denounce the real Recall.  His version has not raised a dime, filed a report, and filed a petition to get approval for signatures.  Nope, instead they claim to be responsible Democrats who, without saying why, will “recall” the DA In fact, they are trying to confuse the public and divide the Recall community.

“Greenberg warns: “Since you [the new group, San Franciscans for Public Safety Supporting the Recall of Chesa Boudin]  have no verified documentation of a recall petition – and San Francisco Department of Elections indicates you have no pending petition paperwork either – it appears you have been deceiving the public for weeks. Speculation is rising that your group is working in cahoots with Chesa to actively corrupt our meetings and to throw away and invalidate our already-collected thousands of signatures. Observers sense your group is being run behind the scenes by political hacks and profit-seeking consultants who want the spotlight on themselves, to line their pockets with donors’ dollars and fill bank accounts with consulting income, regardless of recall success. This raises serious questions about your group’s motivation and character. It is becoming more apparent by the day that you are willing to even sacrifice this best chance at recalling Chesa Boudin.”

Another reason to Recall DA Boudin—his abuse of the system to benefit himself.


Recall Chesa Boudin Press Release,  4/29/21  

The organizer and committee chairman of the effort to recall embattled District Attorney Chesa Boudin is urging a new splinter group to join with his effort currently under way.

In a statement today, Richie Greenberg, political commentator who launched the recall, hits at a newly-formed group, San Franciscans for Public Safety Supporting the Recall of Chesa Boudin:

“As we approach yet another milestone in our recall petition signature count and donations raised, we’ve reached the point of no return. Coupled with voter sentiment, huge support, donations and media coverage, I ask you to organize your volunteers, grab stacks of our effort’s existing petitions being circulated, and gather as many signatures you can to ensure Chesa Boudin’s recall makes it to the ballot. That’s the end goal, to get the recall question put to the voters. We have a great shot at success. You must work together with us – using our existing petition – so the signatures gathered count together, working towards the August 11th deadline and triggering a special election this year.”

Greenberg warns: “Since you [the new group, San Franciscans for Public Safety Supporting the Recall of Chesa Boudin]  have no verified documentation of a recall petition – and San Francisco Department of Elections indicates you have no pending petition paperwork either – it appears you have been deceiving the public for weeks. Speculation is rising that your group is working in cahoots with Chesa to actively corrupt our meetings and to throw away and invalidate our already-collected thousands of signatures. Observers sense your group is being run behind the scenes by political hacks and profit-seeking consultants who want the spotlight on themselves, to line their pockets with donors’ dollars and fill bank accounts with consulting income, regardless of recall success. This raises serious questions about your group’s motivation and character. It is becoming more apparent by the day that you are willing to even sacrifice this best chance at recalling Chesa Boudin. How many dozens or hundreds of San Francisco’s victims will be denied justice because you opportunists will keep Chesa in power? Rethink your strategy now. Get your signature gathering volunteers together and work with us to get Chesa Boudin recalled. For our city, for the safety of San Francisco.”

The Committee Supporting the Recall of DA Chesa Boudin is the committee currently undertaking the recall effort and circulating petitions, first launched March 14th 2021. Official website at