BRING IN THE BIG GUNS–California Congressional Races

These are the three challenge races the NRCC and the CRP will work for.  The other congressional races will get little official Party support.  Looks like the last 90 days will be a barn burner.


California Playbook,  7/29/24

 — Three GOP House candidates in competitive California race are part of this year’s class of the National Republican Congressional Committee’s “Young Guns” — a program that boosts the party’s most promising non-incumbent candidates.

Earning the designation are Kevin Lincoln, the Stockton mayor running against Democratic Rep. Josh Harder in CA-9; Matt Gunderson, an auto dealership owner challenging Democratic Rep. Mike Levin in CA-49; and Scott Baugh, who is running for an open seat in CA-47 against Democratic state Sen. Dave Min. (This is the second time Baugh has earned the designation. He was named to the program in 2022 when he ran against Rep. Katie Porter.)

“Extreme House Democrats’ border, crime and cost of living crises wrecked Americans’ safety and security,” said NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson. “Fortunately, these Republican candidates are already well on their way to running winning campaigns that will grow our House majority in November.”

The Young Guns initiative, which requires candidates to hit certain benchmarks to work their way through the program, was the brainchild of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The branding can help juice the fundraising for candidates, much like House Democrats’ “Red to Blue” program. This year, the NRCC has named two dozen candidates to Young Gun status. — Melanie Mason

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