They are blaming games in Sacramento with our future. They are trying to destroy our ability to help our children.
“Losers so far are California homeowners. By a 4-3 vote in a single committee, homeowners lost the possibility of transferring their family home to their children by sale or inheritance without costly tax reassessment at current market value. How so?
SCA 4, a bipartisan Constitutional amendment was presented to the Senate Governance and Finance Committee on May 10. It would have reversed Section 2.1 of Article XIII, which denied families the ability to transfer their family home or farm without increased tax liability. SCA 4 represented a good-faith attempt by several legislators of both parties to correct that disastrous proposition legislators had posed to unsuspecting citizens of our state as Proposition 19 in 2020. The bill received wide support in writing from taxpayer groups, real estate organizations, minority groups and more than 2,000 responding citizens. The measure would have benefited constituents in every legislator’s district.”
Another example of the Democrats being the party of Theft, Communism.
The Tax Watchers: It’s halftime – the game is in our hands

By Colleen Britton, Daily Republic, 5/19/23
The current California Legislative session reaches its midpoint on June 2. Legislation which has passed one house will then go to the other house and begin to move through committees there until final passage and signature by the governor.
Losers so far are California homeowners. By a 4-3 vote in a single committee, homeowners lost the possibility of transferring their family home to their children by sale or inheritance without costly tax reassessment at current market value. How so?
SCA 4, a bipartisan Constitutional amendment was presented to the Senate Governance and Finance Committee on May 10. It would have reversed Section 2.1 of Article XIII, which denied families the ability to transfer their family home or farm without increased tax liability. SCA 4 represented a good-faith attempt by several legislators of both parties to correct that disastrous proposition legislators had posed to unsuspecting citizens of our state as Proposition 19 in 2020. The bill received wide support in writing from taxpayer groups, real estate organizations, minority groups and more than 2,000 responding citizens. The measure would have benefited constituents in every legislator’s district.
To understand why this measure was soundly defeated in committee, look no further than three of the five organizations who opposed it: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; California Professional Firefighters (co-sponsors of the original legislation that created the bad law in the first place); and California Teachers Association. They all believed they would reap financial windfalls from higher taxes.
How our legislators vote on issues like this is very telling. Keep in mind: legislators, even though we elected them, seldom consult us when they vote. Are they acting in our best interests, or to special interests and campaign donors?
It’s up to us to do the homework. Look up and read pending bills at See what groups support and oppose each bill. Then, write a letter of support or opposition. Call, email or visit your representatives – before they cast their votes. You can find your representative here at
Nearly 3,000 bills and 18 Constitutional Amendments have been proposed during this legislative session. Amendments require a two-thirds vote of both Assembly and Senate before they are placed on the ballot for voter approval.
Below are several Constitutional Amendments proposed during this legislative session. Now is a good time to begin your homework.
SCA-1 replaces the current process to recall a governor with a ballot containing only one question: Yes or No on the recall. It removes all potential replacement candidates from the ballot. If the recall is successful, the Lt. Governor will assume the governorship until the term is completed.
SCA-2 lowers voter eligibility age to 17 years old.
SCA-3 transfers the responsibility of creating titles and summaries for initiatives, referendums and propositions from the partisan Office of the Attorney General to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office.
ACA-4 allows felons to vote while serving their sentence in state prison.
ACA-9 changes the office of superintendent of public instruction from an elected position to an appointed position.
Since our California Constitution was ratified in 1879, it has been amended more than 514 times. Not all of those amendments benefited Californians. Let’s do our best to ensure that any new amendments to our state constitution will be in the best interests of all Californians.
Colleen Britton is a member of the TaxWatchers committee. She can be reached at [email protected].