Bruce’s Beach–Theft of Land–TWICE

A decision made in 1924 by government could cost $75 million of property value today—and bankrupt the city of Manhattan Beach.  Even more interesting, what can the Bruce family do with beach land that MUST under State law be opened to the public, no housing or permanent facilities can be built on most of it—and the outrage will cause division for years and anger in the community?

County Approval: LA County supervisors will discuss on April 20th and probably pass legislation giving the property back to the Bruce’s.

Outside politicians (Janice Hahn, AL MURATSUCHI ) are trying to overturn a settled court case. Overturning court cases with no new information sets a dangerous precedent. Deciding arbitrarily which cases are overturned, and who benefits is an even more dangerous precedent.

You read that right—the courts have already decided this case—yet hack racist politicians have decided to overrule the law and set precedent.  This is NOT about the beach.  This is about land around the State that will be given back to those who have had land stolen via eminent domain—how about all the land the high speed rail is stealing in the Central Valley, for instance—forcing people to sell or have it taken?

While the Left is happy with the violation of court decisions, they may not be happy when freeways are shut down, affordable housing projects torn down and property rights are destroyed—if stolen by government.

Bruce’s Beach

Anonymous From Reddit,  4/21/21 

You may have seen the press conference announcing LA Supervisor Hahn plans to transfer the County Lifeguard training center, on the Manhattan Beach Strand valued at $75 million, to descendants of Willa and Charles Bruce, who owned the property in 1924, before it was taken by eminent domain.

How will this happen? SB796 If signed, it will become effective this year. It eases some of the restrictions on what LA County can do with State property.

County Approval: LA County supervisors will discuss on April 20th and probably pass legislation giving the property back to the Bruce’s.

Outside politicians (Janice Hahn, AL MURATSUCHI ) are trying to overturn a settled court case. Overturning court cases with no new information sets a dangerous precedent. Deciding arbitrarily which cases are overturned, and who benefits is an even more dangerous precedent.

Giving The Property Back Will Not Stop The Demands From Advocates, It is Only a First step

The Spokesman for the Bruce’s is demanding money, land and punitive damages which will bankrupt Manhattan Beach. Videos:money, punitive damages.

AL MURATSUCHI says there are a few good people in MB among them BLM supporter Mitch Ward, Hildy Stern and BLM Activist Kavon Ward, that leaves out 34,000 others in the city. Video Good People

Who Gets To Decide?

The residents of Manhattan beach did not want a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee (DEIC). Did you know Hildy Stern and Mitch Ward ( Ex-City Council) have been meeting with the LA County DEIC to develop a strategy to get the community to understand the “truth”? Furthermore, the BBTF continues to function as an independent group following their dissolution by the City Coucnil, showing their agenda. Video:DEIC

Listen to this neighbor try to tell Her truth, but is shouted down. Video: Resident

Are Hildy’s Loyalties To The Citizens That Elected Her To Look Out For The City’s Best Interests Or Somewhere Else?

This all began with a demand for a Bruce Beach Task Force, which was tasked with 3 items. There was some sleight of hand that involved a 100+ year leap from the Bruce’s eminent domain case to investigating a whole town.

The BBTF was proposing that it would remain in existence, police us to make sure we toed the line.. This non elected body of advocates were to be both judge and jury. Remember who were the two co-chairs, Hildy and Steve. Remember who voted to continue the BBTF: Hildy and who voted for an apology: Hildy.

Amy Howorth said “Me thinks they are protesting too much”

I am sure that it has not escaped anyone that the term racist is now used to accuse anyone who is not in agreement with the speaker.

How tragic is it really when the city officials and non elected task force members have the audacity to throw about the racist chant when they seek to diminish and shame others with whom they disagree.

Has anyone noticed that these efforts have divided us!

What can be done?

  • Talk to your neighbors
  • Watch the the videos from t the press conference
  • The LA County Lifeguard Lot includes 6 lots, not just the 2 lots owned by the Bruce’s. The other 4 lots include 2 corner lots owned by George Peck, and 2 interior lots owned by George Yarrow and Lillie Dosta.
    • How is the County supposed to return only those lots to the Bruce’s?
  • Think about the safety implications of losing the lifeguard headquarters
  • What type of building, enterprise will be replaced by the lifeguard station?
    • Will it be zoned R-1 or a commercial enterprise?
  • What are the implications to surrounding residents?
  • What about the other residents displaced by eminent domain?
  • Is giving property to the Bruce’s unjust enrichment, is it constitutional?
  • Will the Bruce’s return the money they received at present value?

Perhaps a Coalition type group can be formed to advocate in the interest of current day residents.