A bunch of radical job killers and inflation builders want to deliver “petitions”, signed by 10 year olds and people who are either illegal aliens or do not exist. Do you accept this killing of trees? Of course not, why give them any credibility. Now these environment nut cases are upset legitimate folks will not accept
“Greenpeace demonstrated Thursday outside the U.S. headquarters of Bumble Bee Seafood Co. next to Petco Park in San Diego.
But the activist group struck out when trying to leave signs representing 51,000 signatures on a petition calling on the company to stop sourcing from ships they say exploit workers and oceans.
“We attempted to hand over the large cardboard numbers and small black sign you see in the photos,” said Sari Heindrich, Greenpeace USA’s senior human rights adviser for global fishing.
Who cares about these radicals who have no idea about life or science? Maybe they should get a job.
Bumble Bee Ghosts Greenpeace’s Bid to Deliver 51,000 Signatures in Fishing Protest

by Ken Stone, Times of San Diego, 9/9/23 https://timesofsandiego.com/business/2023/09/08/bumble-bee-seafood-ghosts-greenpeace-in-bid-to-deliver-signs-of-51000-signers/
Greenpeace demonstrated Thursday outside the U.S. headquarters of Bumble Bee Seafood Co. next to Petco Park in San Diego.
But the activist group struck out when trying to leave signs representing 51,000 signatures on a petition calling on the company to stop sourcing from ships they say exploit workers and oceans.
“We attempted to hand over the large cardboard numbers and small black sign you see in the photos,” said Sari Heindrich, Greenpeace USA’s senior human rights adviser for global fishing.
“When they refused to open the door, we took them with us when we left. We will follow up by delivering the signatures by email.”
She said about two dozen people, including crew of the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise docked at Broadway Pier, arrived at 10 a.m. and left shortly before 11.
“We attempted to contact BB through the call box at their gate,” Heindrich told Times of San Diego. “We went up to the intercom, rung the bell [and] told them we had a petition to deliver.”
The person who picked up asked the group to hold on a minute, she said.
“We waited a couple of minutes and then called again, and they didn’t pick up,” she said. “Then the security told us that we needed to leave because we were on private property and he did not believe [Bumble Bee officials] would come out.”
Contacted Friday via email, a company spokeswoman said: “Bumble Bee has no further comment on this” after releasing a statement Wednesday.
In its own statement, Greenpeace USA’s Chief Program Officer Tefere Gebre said Bumble Bee has “positioned itself as a champion for sustainability and advocate for fishers, while also ignoring the very real suffering of the workers in its supply chain and the environmental impact of harmful fishing practices.”
But Gebre said years of investigation by the Greenpeace network seriously challenge Bumble Bee’s claims.
“It is unconscionable that fishers must risk modern slavery, abuse and even death while trying to make a living for their families,” he said. “Today, we delivered a message from over 51,000 people that Bumble Bee can’t ignore. Bumble Bee has the power and resources to do better for these workers and the oceans we all rely on, and we are calling on them to take action now.”
The group says a 2022 investigation by its East Asia arm found that over 10% of the 119 sampled Taiwanese-flagged or owned ships that supplied Bumble Bee had previously violated Taiwan Fishery Agency regulations and were on their Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) list.
Greenpeace USA says it discovered a canned Bumble Bee product at a Harris Teeter grocery store in Arlington, Virginia, that contained fish from the Da Wang, a ship it said U.S. Customs and Border Protection recently confirmed to have used forced labor.
Heidendreich added:
The issue of forced labor and environmental destruction in the Bumble Bee supply chain is a longstanding one. For more than a decade, Greenpeace USA has tried to engage Bumble Bee in discussion about the areas where they are falling short and how they can take a systematic, human rights- and science-based approach to addressing those issues.
The corporation has repeatedly refused to even meet with us. For each day that passes without action, fishers in the seafood supply chain are working in brutal and inhumane conditions, and our oceans deteriorate
On Tuesday, Bumble Bee employees were invited to attend a private screening aboard the Arctic Sunrise of the documentary “Before You Eat,” event organizers said.
Greenpeace Taiwan’s Ocean Campaigner Yuton Lee, who was present for the Bumble Bee demonstration Thursday, said: “Bumble Bee and its Taiwanese owner, Fong Chun Formosa, are some of the biggest players in the global seafood supply chain.
“They have power and influence they can leverage to make substantive changes in the industry’s notoriously murky seafood supply chain. But while their profits grow, they have done little to change the situation. It can’t be business as usual while people suffer. Today, we send a message loud and clear to Bumble Bee and FCF: The time to change is now.”
Ahead of the march, Greenpeace USA invited senior Bumble Bee leaders to meet privately, the group said Thursday.
“They declined the invitation, citing a scheduling conflict,” the group said. “They also refused to meet the activists to receive the petition.”
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