The Mayor of Burbank is an honest Democrat, one of the few. He has no problem using government schools as adjuncts to the Hugh Heffner School of Sex—he thinks it is great using the schools as a prep for sex.
“In a video clip from the episode making the rounds on Twitter, Anthony is seen speaking with an extremely well-informed mother who called into the show. He condescendingly asks the woman what she means by her objection to sexualized content in schools. “When you say ‘sexualized gender ideology,’ do you mean it’s simply a book that has a gay person in it?” he asked dismissively.
The mother pushes back clarifying her statements and includes the example of the book “Gender Queer: A Memoir.” This particular book is a graphic novel and has been the subject of discussion around the country as it has been found in many public school libraries. There are parts of the book that not only discuss sexually explicit scenes involving minors, but there are also animations of young boys engaging in oral sex.
Anthony is asked if he has read the book, and he responds affirmatively. The woman further asks, “You don’t find that to be sexualized?” Anthony scoffs and vehemently declares, “No!” in a moronic sing-song voice. He also contends that the book is “not graphic.” The slightly edited video posted to Twitter includes spliced in shots of the content in reference, proving him incorrect.”
I applaud his honesty—he wants parents and children abused in school—he is proud of it. Better, he is using this as a Platform to run for the L.A. Board of Supervisors. Will we allow this in our schools? The good news is that this will cause decent parents to take their kids out of government schools or move to a Free State where Hugh Heffner is not revered by Educrats.
Burbank Mayor Sees No Problem With Sexualized Material In Schools

‘It is clear that he is vying to climb the political ladder pushing lies, misinformation, and a radical progressive agenda’
By J. Mitchell Sances, California Globe, 7/12/23
Earlier this week, an episode of the locally well-known podcast WiseNuts hosted by two Armenian fathers in Glendale, CA, featured the mayor of Burbank, Konstantine Anthony. The episode lasted a whopping 4.5 hours, and, if there is any justice in the world, could have effectively ended Anthony’s political career.
In March of this year, Anthony announced his candidacy for the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, a governing body with enormous amounts of power in Los Angeles County including overseeing the many school districts within the county. Given the recent protests and increase of vocally concerned parents in the school districts, the very lengthy discussion focused mainly on parental rights in their children’s education.
In a video clip from the episode making the rounds on Twitter, Anthony is seen speaking with an extremely well-informed mother who called into the show. He condescendingly asks the woman what she means by her objection to sexualized content in schools. “When you say ‘sexualized gender ideology,’ do you mean it’s simply a book that has a gay person in it?” he asked dismissively.
The mother pushes back clarifying her statements and includes the example of the book “Gender Queer: A Memoir.” This particular book is a graphic novel and has been the subject of discussion around the country as it has been found in many public school libraries. There are parts of the book that not only discuss sexually explicit scenes involving minors, but there are also animations of young boys engaging in oral sex.
Anthony is asked if he has read the book, and he responds affirmatively. The woman further asks, “You don’t find that to be sexualized?” Anthony scoffs and vehemently declares, “No!” in a moronic sing-song voice. He also contends that the book is “not graphic.” The slightly edited video posted to Twitter includes spliced in shots of the content in reference, proving him incorrect.
At first, in just watching the short clip described here, it is easy to conclude that Anthony may be lying about his familiarity with the book “Gender Queer.” While lying for political reasons is not excusable, it is unfortunately commonplace and often overlooked. However, any doubt that Anthony is lying flies out of the window when, later in the conversation, he confirms that he knows exactly the content the mother is speaking of and that he has seen the sexually explicit photos from the book.
Anthony doubles down on his instance that the pornographic images are acceptable for children in middle school because those are the children who are first beginning to learn about sex education in schools. To make an equivalence of learning about basic biology and how the reproductive system works to drawings of minors engaging in homosexual fellatio blasts right past absurdity and into flat out obscenity. No parent should accept someone with this level of amorality to be in any position of power, much less in one with sway over the education system.
While this was Anthony’s most egregious opinion, the entire 4.5 hour episode was rife with other horrendous takes. Part of the discussion surrounded the events of the protests outside of the Glendale School Board meeting on June 6th. During this meeting Anthony was allowed to speak to the board while parents of students who had arrived at the meeting hours before Anthony were not extended the same opportunity. When he was called out for that on the podcast, Anthony admitted, while laughing, that he was there primarily to bolster his political campaign. Knowing that there would be national and local news coverage of the event, he showed his face and pulled strings to make sure he was able to speak during the meeting, in essence silencing the constituents from whom he is asking for votes.
What’s more, Anthony blamed the violence that resulted from the meeting on the concerned parents, labeling many of them as homophobic. When presented with the possibility that the radical group Antifa, who was present at the meeting as well, actually spurred on the violence, Anthony refused to condemn the group stating that the masked thugs were “not doing anything wrong.”
There are many other examples of Anthony’s idiocy and dangerous opinions in the full podcast episode, but the ones presented here are damning enough. By running for a position on the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, it is clear that he is vying to climb the political ladder pushing lies, misinformation, and a radical progressive agenda the entire way. He made his position known in the course of the podcast episode: The government and government-run schools make better parents than the people who actually gave these children life. These new statements and revelations of his positions are hopefully enough to stop his political career in its tracks.
Perhaps Mr. Anthony should have taken the advice of Mark Twain when he asked to be interviewed on WiseNuts— “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”