Buried news: Hamas digging tunnels under San Diego -IDF colonel

Great news!  The Mexican cartels and the Hamas/Nazi’s have merged—or at least agreed to help one another.

“NewsMax correspondent JAESON JONES interviewed Israeli Defense Forces Colonel (Res.) Dr. DANY TIRZA, who was responsible for planning the security infrastructure in the West Bank. “As we know, directly from Palestinians in Gaza Strip, there is a group of Hamas that works with the syndicates in Tijuana to dig tunnels toward San Diego,” Tirza told Jones. According to Tirza, Hamas engineers “have a special technology” that allows them to work and dig in sandy areas “that the Mexicans [do not] have. And therefore, they need people from Hamas” in order to be able to construct tunnels in the sandy terrain. Hamas “are making a lot of money” by helping the cartels with their tunnel-digging know-how, Tirza said.

That’s bad news for the city, meaning, probably the best in battle-tested technology is being transferred to Mexico’s cartels to help it along in its “business” of smuggling drugs and aliens into the U.S. And Hamas being what it is, we probably shouldn’t dismiss that they could construct tunnels of their own for terrorism purposes, or as a subcontractor to Iran.”

At the same time Biden/Harris are importing Hamas terrorists by calling them “migrants: and flying them into our nation.  Note the American media is not reporting this. 

Buried news: Hamas digging tunnels under San Diego -IDF colonel

By Monica Showalter, American Thinker,  9/14/24  https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/09/buried_news_hamas_digging_tunnels_under_san_diego_idf_colonel.html

Does San Diego have a ‘Hamas’ problem?

No, not the ignorant student protestors at universities being directed by Hamas’s proxies.

No, not the terrorists rolling into the area from Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’s open border.

They may be seeing actual tunnels, dug by Hamas itself or its clients the Mexican cartels, coming in through Mexico.

The U.S. Border Patrol has discovered more than 200 of them since 2003, according to the Department of Customs & Border Protection. The most recent one found, that there’s any news on, at least, was a 2022 Tijuana-to-San Diego tunnel, complete with air conditioning, electricity and rail lines within, stretching a mile. They are getting sophisticated.

Investigative reporter Todd Bensman thought the report, taken from an Israel Defense Forces colonel on reserve, made sense.

The original tweet reads:

JERUSALEM — NewsMax correspondent JAESON JONES interviewed Israeli Defense Forces Colonel (Res.) Dr. DANY TIRZA, who was responsible for planning the security infrastructure in the West Bank. “As we know, directly from Palestinians in Gaza Strip, there is a group of Hamas that works with the syndicates in Tijuana to dig tunnels toward San Diego,” Tirza told Jones. According to Tirza, Hamas engineers “have a special technology” that allows them to work and dig in sandy areas “that the Mexicans [do not] have. And therefore they need people from Hamas” in order to be able to construct tunnels in the sandy terrain. Hamas “are making a lot of money” by helping the cartels with their tunnel-digging know-how, Tirza said.

That’s bad news for the city, meaning, probably the best in battle-tested technology is being transferred to Mexico’s cartels to help it along in its “business” of smuggling drugs and aliens into the U.S. And Hamas being what it is, we probably shouldn’t dismiss that they could construct tunnels of their own for terrorism purposes, or as a subcontractor to Iran.

That’s a creepy development if the colonel is right.

Because alongside the Hamas report, there’s also this, from San Diego’s most conservative county supervisor, Jim Desmond:

That so many are coming into San Diego over other places suggests well-developed networks of criminals, which of course, could include narcoterrorist groups like Hamas.

Seems there’s a lot of complementarities between Hamas and the Mexican cartels, particularly since they have found each other. While information remains sparse, it’s unfortunate it remains sparse based on media silence. One can only hope that we don’t hear more of these terrorists based on “events” as the border remains open under the wretched and venal team in the White House. They were happy to see San Diego polluted by Mexican sewage in the case of Imperial Beach because of their political interests. One can only hope that that doesn’t extend to Hamas terrorists and Mexican cartels, too.

3 thoughts on “Buried news: Hamas digging tunnels under San Diego -IDF colonel

  1. Hearsay is not evidence! Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” available online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble ad Walmart. The cost is less than a burger, fries and coke.

  2. Not too surprising. The dems. are taking this former paradise straight down the tubes. I don’t think there’s enough Californians that care to make a meaningful change.

  3. Seems to me that flooding illegal tunnels with sequestered carbon dioxide might be a win-win for us and the climate change loonies. Wait until they find out the trees and plants NEED carbon dioxide to live. Then it’s only a win for us.

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