Businesses Destroyed by Rampant Crime

California is a war zone.  The Ruling Democrats want YOU to be unarmed, have few cops and DA’s that promote criminals both domestic and foreign.

It is not safe to be anywhere in the State.  Add to this, the fact that drugs are openly sold and the homeless are given alcohol and free needles.

Want to be safe?  Go to Florida, Idaho or Texas.  Want to be a crime victim?  Stay in California.

SOCIETAL ROT, Part 1: Businesses Destroyed by Rampant Crime

Cully Stimson, Daily Signal,  5/13/24

The iconic Macy’s department store on Union Square in the heart of San Francisco is closing because of rampant theft and the societal rot that have infected the city.  

The massive 400,000-square-foot flagship building, which anchors an entire side of Union Square, has been in business for more than 70 years at this spot, and Macy’s has been in San Francisco for more than 100 years. 

Employees at the store told the Daily Mail that thieves take “at least four blazers, 10 wallets, and 20 packs of underwear every day.” Another employee said that thieves routinely steal “men’s Ralph Lauren Polo, women’s North Face, and Levi’s clothing.” 

With dozens of store closures in and around Union Square, and the dangerous conditions caused by open-air drug use and mentally ill people living on the streets, fewer and fewer people come downtown to shop. 

See the Daily Mail’s map of store closures.

The closures are caused in large part because of lax enforcement of petty-theft laws by rogue prosecutors George Gascon and Chesa Boudin, who served as district attorneys in San Francisco from 2011 to 2022.

Read more about their rogue pro-criminal, anti-victim policies herehere, and here. For a deeper dive, read our book, “Rogue Prosecutors: How Radical Soros Lawyers Are Destroying America’s Cities.”

One thought on “Businesses Destroyed by Rampant Crime

  1. The laws are on the books. The laws are not enforced. That is why so many middle income tax paying families are leaving the state. They want a better and more secure life for their children and themselves.

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