Imagine this:  You do not run for your county central committee.  In the new term you have not been appointed to the central committee.  But you are allowed to vote for officers as if you were really a member.  Sound like something the Democrats would do.  No, it was Republicans in Monterey that did it.  On Thursday night the California Republican Party Proxies and Credentials Committee ended the need for elections or appointments to central committee.

They rule that ANYBODY approved by the Chair is allowed to vote—no need to be elected or appointed.  Want a united GOP—they killed it.  Looking toward support for the GOP candidates that do not denounce this?  Forget about it.

If you are a conservative that supports Trump, they do not want you in the Party.  They want your money, but not your voice or vote.  That is why they refuse to use paper ballots and refuse to reform the much abused proxy system.

One way to tell who opposes Trump is to go to a vote at the Fall, 2023 convention when an amendment to the agenda was voted on.  The goal of the amendment was to allow for the endorsement of Donald Trump for President.  If you are interested in knowing how a specific person voted, contact me and I will give you an answer

The Chair of Proxies and Credentials, Drew Mercy voted against President Trump, as did almost all the committee members.  Who appointed the Proxies and Credential committee members?  Jessica Patterson.  Both she and the Vice Chair Corrin Rankin voted NO on a Trump endorsement.  Wonder if President Trump knows the Chair and Vice Chair of the California Republican Party did not want him endorsed?


Hear Ye, Hear Ye All Trump Supporters!

Dalila Epperson, Subtract,  2/21/25

What are Central Committees? In most Counties there should be a Republican Central Committee who’s primary duty it is to run candidates for office within that county. From schoolboard to State Senator, that’s their main task. Where is your counties’ Central Committee? If you’ve never heard of this information, then your Republican Central Committee is not doing it’s job and is most likely RINO. And that’s just the way the CAGOP likes it. CAGOP have been losing California seats for over a decade now in a fast and furious manner. Why is that?

We The People are catching on quickly to how things truly work with our CAGOP and so MAGA was voted in to the new 2025 Republican county Central Committees! Every 4 years alongside the Presidential Primary these elections occur.

It was a glorious moment! California rose up! The people spoke loud and clear. Out with the RINOs, in with true Conservatives. Just like the Trump election 🙂

How did the CAGOP respond?

Per the CAGOP, there were several “contested” Central Committees. In reality, they were “contested” because MAGA had been duly voted in and the CAGOP just can’t have that.

You see, this is an election year for our CAGOP Executive Board and it’s new Chair. And the local county Central Committee Chairs (and their many assigned delegates) will be voting members for the new CAGOP Chair and Board.

Hence, the CAGOP cannot allow county Central Committees to be flipped to MAGA! See the 2 formulas below-

Formula One:

RINO Central Committee Chairs = RINO delegates = Votes for RINO CAGOP Chair and Board.

The RINO Chair winner shall be:

Corrin Rankin- voted for Obama, voted against endorsing Trump, is pro-choice.

Formula Two:

MAGA Central Committee Chairs = MAGA delegates = Votes for MAGA CAGOP Chair and Board.

The MAGA Chair winner shall be:

Senator Mike Morrell- Proven Conservative track record as a past Senator, pro-life, Christian, voted all the way for Trump.


Last night at a CAGOP Zoom meeting, a sort of trial was held to determine the fate of several supposedly “contested” county Central Committee Chairs. The CAGOP showed their cards by announcing that per their view, the Central Committee Chairs that were duly voted in had “legal” flaws that could not be reconciled, so the RINO Chairs must be installed, or even re-installed, as so happened to one county. Absurd, I know. This was lawfare at it’s best. Just like Trump.

BUT this must mean that we are truly OVER TARGET! Because this is such a desperate act on their part to retain power, at all cost. Even to commit Election Fraud (allowed non-elected members to vote to attain the majority- aka stuffed the ballot), break a few California Election laws (7409 & 7410), and outright just say: Nope, we the CAGOP choose, not the people who voted!

Find your local county Republican Central Committee and attend the next meeting. Learn who is who. Get involved MAGA.

And rest assured. It’s not over.


  1. The result is that MAGA Republicans will re-register as No Party Preference. They just have to switch back for the primary. If the CAGOP elects Corrin Rankin as its chairperson, more Republicans will leave the “Democrat – Lite” party.

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