Cal Poly Humboldt campus closed through Wednesday amidst ongoing pro-Palestine protest

Want to watch a Nazi riot?  Go to a college campus.  They have been taken over by the modern day Nazi Youth—haters of Jews and Israel.

Dozens of protesters have been occupying at least one building on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus in Arcata since Monday afternoon. This is one of a number of pro-Palestinian protests occurring at universities across the country.

The students have been occupying Siemens Hall, barricading the entrances with furniture. According to the university, at least three students were arrested on Monday night. The university campus is closed through Wednesday and other buildings are locked down.

Why haven’t the local police moved I and arrested these rioters for terrorism?  Where is the college Chancellor?  Where is the Governor?

Cal Poly Humboldt campus closed through Wednesday amidst ongoing pro-Palestine protest

Jefferson Public Radio | By Roman Battaglia, 4/24/24

Dozens of protesters have been occupying at least one building on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus in Arcata since Monday afternoon. This is one of a number of pro-Palestinian protests occurring at universities across the country.

The students have been occupying Siemens Hall, barricading the entrances with furniture. According to the university, at least three students were arrested on Monday night. The university campus is closed through Wednesday and other buildings are locked down.

According to the group Humboldt for Palestine, the collective of students are demanding transparency regarding the university’s investments, a complete divestment of Israeli-linked companies, cutting ties with all Israeli universities, charges dropped against the student protesters and an immediate ceasefire and end to occupation in Palestine.

The university and protesters did not respond to requests for an interview. On Tuesday the university said a number of students had also occupied a second building in the area, though they did not identify its location.

“The university is concerned about the safety of the students who remain in the building, and has been asking the students to remain open to dialogue around a peaceful resolution,” a spokesperson for Cal Poly Humboldt said in a statement.

The Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation’s financial website includes investment performance reports which details information about the funds it’s invested in, but information about ties to Israel not easily accessible. The foundation’s largest holding from it’s 2023 report, the Sustainable Growth Fund by Brown Advisory, lists a $136 million investment in U.S. based Airbnb as of the end of March.

That company was part of a 2020 list by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights of businesses with ties to Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory. According to Airbnb’s website, the company still maintains listings in Israeli-occupied West Bank settlements.

Students at other universities including Columbia, NYU and Yale have held similar protests in the last week, demanding similar actions.

2 thoughts on “Cal Poly Humboldt campus closed through Wednesday amidst ongoing pro-Palestine protest

  1. Three students arrested. Wow. That will put the fear of God in them. They are encouraged because what they are doing is tolerated. If they were pro Christian mobs, pro jew, pro conservative. or pro American would they be tolerated? I suspect not. Why? These are all groups Trump supports. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” Due out soon.

  2. For all recent Ivy League graduates: In the near future if you take your expensive Ivy League diploma to a human resources manager who is not a neurotic Hamas supporter, they might (rightly or wrongly) assume YOU were out there on the campus lawn supporting death to Israel, death to America. They might decide to hire the applicant who graduated from a college nobody ever heard of rather than the Ivy League graduate.

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