Caldwell: California’s Dumbest Idea Since the Bullet Train

California has a lot of bad and dangerous ideas.  High taxes, forcing people to buy expensive EV’s.   We have legalized weed and decriminalized theft.  We spend $24 billion on the homeless and we have MORE homeless.  The Guv uses tax dollars to get girls from Texas to come to California to kill their babies.  “The Killing Fields of California”.  Then we beg terrorists, criminals and drug cartels to do business in California.

“For instance, one trucking company in Santa Maria has ceased doing business due in part to these mandates. ZEV would have cost the company $60 million to replace its fleet of 125 trucks, and that doesn’t count the price of the chargers or the cost to upgrade the power lines on site. Moreover, PG&E does not have the line capacity to deliver the additional electricity required for the upgrade.”

This is how you kill an economy, make costs and inflation go up and create shortages.  Democrats know how to kill us off.

California’s Dumbest Idea Since the Bullet Train

by Andy Caldwell, Santa Barbara Current,  6/9/24

 The relative footprints of the Escondida open pit mine vs a mechanical donkey magnified over 6,000x

The state and county’s Zero Emission Clean Vehicle (ZEV) plan is a clunker. The associated mandates will force us to purchase electric, hybrid, or hydrogen vehicles to ostensibly reduce transportation-related emissions. Obviously, nobody has done the math on what it will cost to replace California’s 31 million registered vehicles or the cost of generating and delivering the power to satisfy the gargantuan electricity demand it will create. 

For instance, one trucking company in Santa Maria has ceased doing business due in part to these mandates. ZEV would have cost the company $60 million to replace its fleet of 125 trucks, and that doesn’t count the price of the chargers or the cost to upgrade the power lines on site. Moreover, PG&E does not have the line capacity to deliver the additional electricity required for the upgrade.

One thought on “Caldwell: California’s Dumbest Idea Since the Bullet Train

  1. There is a windfall of money to be made there somewhere. We just have to figure it out. The promoters of EV are not just doing this because they are concerned about the air Californian’s breath.

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