Caldwell: Mission Failure at the Southern Border

We have open borders.  Yet, until a couple of months ago Harris, Biden and the Democrats claimed our borders were “secure”.  On day one Biden/Harris opened the border, ending the remain in Mexico policy, added to the benefits of being an illegal alien and stopping the deportation of even the rapists and other criminals.

“For starters, as reported by Newsweek, how on earth could the U.S. Border Patrol “catch and release” migrants who were on the terrorist watch list? Some 250 of these would-be terrorists, from 36 different countries, were encountered and at least 99 of them were released into our country.

How did they get in?

Well, it so happens, there is an app for that. These would-be terrorists simply made an appointment on a Customs and Border Patrol app that allowed them to go through our border while making an appointment for an asylum hearing long down the road. Moreover, immigration judges granted bonds to at least 27 people on the list and granted asylum to four others.”

How easy is it for terrorists to come into the nation?  All they have to do is make an appointment and then or in—thank you to the border czar, Kamala Harris for the easy-in policy for terrorists.

Mission Failure at the Southern Border

by Andy Caldwell, Santa Barbara Current,  8/25/24

I interview the Heritage Foundation and the National Police Association on my radio show regularly and what they had to tell me recently is absolutely frightening. Our discussions were based in part on articles in Newsweek and the New York Post along with The Daily Signal.

For starters, as reported by Newsweek, how on earth could the U.S. Border Patrol “catch and release” migrants who were on the terrorist watch list? Some 250 of these would-be terrorists, from 36 different countries, were encountered and at least 99 of them were released into our country.

How did they get in?

Well, it so happens, there is an app for that. These would-be terrorists simply made an appointment on a Customs and Border Patrol app that allowed them to go through our border while making an appointment for an asylum hearing long down the road. Moreover, immigration judges granted bonds to at least 27 people on the list and granted asylum to four others.

Some of the people that have come across the border belong to a notorious gang from Venezuela known as Tren de Aragua (TdA). As reported by the New York Post, this gang is exceptionally violent on a similar level to the notorious MS-13. They have already been tied to hundreds of crimes across the country including the shootings of two NYPD cops. What’s worse? The gang leaders have given the green light for their members to shoot U.S. cops!  

Part of the problem here as it relates to TdA is that our border patrol does not have access to other nation’s criminal databases, hence the screening at the border for those encountered by the Border Patrol is not as straightforward as it should be for persons on the terrorist watch list. The Biden administration that refuses to close the border has now been forced to offer a $12 million reward for the arrests of its leaders. Of course, we all need to cross our fingers, lest upon arrest, any of these perps who specialize in smuggling guns, money laundering, and human trafficking, don’t end up back on our streets because a liberal prosecutor determined they were only arrested because of our racist criminal justice system.

The Vaunted U.S. Secret Service

Let’s turn our attention now to another federal law enforcement agency that is flailing at best, the Secret Service, especially as it pertains to their failure to protect former president Donald Trump from a would-be assassin. As reported by The Daily Signal, whistle blowers are coming forward in droves citing a litany of long-term problems in the agency, including lowering standards and making significant cuts to the counter surveillance division that performs threat assessment evaluations of event sites, among other things. For example, one whistle blower claimed that if the counter surveillance division had been at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally, the gunman would have been arrested immediately after having been spotted taking distance measurements with a rangefinder.

After all, for crying out loud, he wasn’t there to play golf, right?

The most disturbing of all the accusations? It’s a toss-up. Some whistle blowers have accused the leaders and management of the Secret Service for retaliating against individuals who expressed concerns about the security at Trump’s campaign events. I would add that not providing any protection whatsoever to Democrat Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (whose father – Robert F. Kennedy – and uncle – President John F. Kennedy – were both assassinated) is proof that these shortcomings can be considered a matter of malign neglect. But that’s not all. Another source reported that in order to cut costs, the Secret Service had halted the requirement to practice shooting monthly.

The director of the FBI continually warns Congress of an imminent terrorist attack within our borders. Unfortunately, however, the Biden-Harris administration’s inane policies and priorities have served to foment this clear and present danger.

One thought on “Caldwell: Mission Failure at the Southern Border

  1. The problems we are facing in this country because of the open boarder crisis is the fault of the American voters. These Trump haters decided to cut off their nose to spite their face. Maybe it is time for an intelligence test for voting. Governors Abbott and DeSantis should keep bussing the illegals to California, New York, Illinois and Michigan. Let them deal with the crime and the welfare.

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