A dreamer is a Californian looking for a bargain on a U-Haul. A California Dreamer is someone who send their children to private school or home schools. A real California Dreamer is looking for property in Tennessee, Idaho, Texas or Florida. The nightmare of a Californian is that they are not able to leave this Third World State.
“In just 2018 and 2019, 765 commercial facilities left California. Since 2018, more than 270 companies have moved their headquarters from California to other states according to the Hoover Institution. The companies include Chevron, Tesla, Charles Schwab, Hewlett Packard, Pabst Brewing Company, Lucas Oil, Oracle, and Kelly Moore paints.
Bloomberg News reports that the steady exodus of Wall Street banks and big tech firms from California over the past several years has cost the state nearly $1 trillion in managed assets.
Those assets and jobs are now being invested in Free States. Now that California has taken away parental rights, expect a significant exodus next May when classes end. Parents will have seen the indoctrination of their kids, the grooming of their kids. And it is possible that Texas and Florida will do for California what they did for New York—ship 100,000 illegal aliens into L.A. Who will pay? Just those unable to rent a U-Haul.
The new California dream is to leave

Andy Caldwell, Santa Maria Times, 8/24/23 https://santamariatimes.com/opinion/guest/the-new-california-dream-is-to-leave-guest-commentary/article_57715c6b-7e22-50b3-8558-e8788a2e3142.html
Have you noticed that the new modern-day version of the California dream is to leave California? That is 40% of the residents of this state want to leave it.
This should not come as a surprise. Just look at how many have already left! One million people left California between 2010 and 2020. And since then, the exodus has become a stampede. Over 500,000 have left since 2020.
And it is not just people that are leaving. Businesses are leaving too. According to a report from Spectrum Location Solutions, California’s costly tax and regulatory policies prompted more than 10,000 businesses to leave the state, reduce their operations or curtail plans to locate here between 2008 and 2015.
In just 2018 and 2019, 765 commercial facilities left California. Since 2018, more than 270 companies have moved their headquarters from California to other states according to the Hoover Institution. The companies include Chevron, Tesla, Charles Schwab, Hewlett Packard, Pabst Brewing Company, Lucas Oil, Oracle, and Kelly Moore paints.
Bloomberg News reports that the steady exodus of Wall Street banks and big tech firms from California over the past several years has cost the state nearly $1 trillion in managed assets.
That begs the question, why would new businesses want to locate here? Why would their employees want to live here? How will they be able to afford to live here? What kind of quality of life will they have? Where will we get the water, electricity, road capacity, etc., to sustain the growth?
Here are a few of the things California must do to reverse course.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) must be reformed. It is used to delay and/or stop projects altogether. It can best be described as the paralysis of analysis. CEQA is an entrepreneurial dream killer. It is also responsible for the lack of housing in the state, along with water, power and fuel, because CEQA is used to kill progress.
Water: The state needs to use the billions in approved bond measure monies to build dams, reservoirs, conveyances, and desal plants, lots, and lots of desal plants. To do this, they need to have first reformed CEQA at a minimum, and better yet, exempt these projects from CEQA (and the California Coastal Commission) as they have done for sports stadium projects and the like.
California does not have enough water to serve our farmers, urbanites, and our ecosystems. Moreover, California releases 70% of the water we have in storage for spurious goals having to do with habitat and so-called endangered species. This must stop.
Traffic: We must create new capacity in roads, highways, and freeways. The biggest sales tax in a long time for roads, SB1, actually prohibited the use of those monies to create additional capacity. Nobody wants to live with, and in, gridlock.
Judicial Reform: The state has created the most litigious environment in the US, which costs California businesses hundreds of millions in losses each year. Furthermore, the so-called criminal justice reform movement is causing people to flee the state for their own safety, and it is causing businesses to close because it is essentially legal to rob them continuously throughout the day.
Needless to say, the Democrats in Sacramento are not only ignoring all these trends, but they are also making things worse. That is what happens in a state with one-party rule.
The Democrats that rule this state are destroying it. They are doing nothing to address the real problems associated with crime, homelessness, failing roads, failing schools, water shortages, the cost of fuel and electricity, and jammed-packed freeways.
If you want to save this state, if you want to stay here, then the politicians who are destroying this state need to go.
Soon the majority of Californians will be illegals, homeless and working poor, Little will change in this once beautiful state as people keep voting for Marxist Democrats. The middle-class and rich along with businesses will continue to leave and many ignorant folks remaining will still vote Democrat. With California representing a third-world country in many Democrat-run cities, only the insane would think Gov. Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom should be elected president.
And they are escaping far worse – so this is not as bad. But – this is what the pols want – compliance!!! These new “refugees” will be so grateful – they WILL be compliant. The Gov Nuisance will get exactly what they want – and we will be SCREWED!!!!
I could not disagree with Andy, I have said these same thoughts for about fifteen years. Vote Republican!
Like many others, we are looking seriously at the possibility of residing in a free state (already opened an office in Texas, which just passed major property tax reform) a little over six months, while keeping our home here in CA to reside in the balance of the year. To paraphrase Sen. Kennedy, Sacramento should be able to hate us for free.
And yet democrats keep getting reelected…
Will the voters ever wake up…?
Amen, brother…….as soon as I get enough money togeher, I’m outa this Golden Toilet State FOR GOOD!!!!
I have found great hope that the 51st state of New California will reverse the terrible destruction of California. Look at newcaliforniastate.com and decide for yourself.