2020 was the year of the looter, rioter and criminal. 2022 is becoming the year when the people have found their voice and refusing to obey silly mandates, dangerous Executive Orders and willing to go face to face with irrational power hungry elected officials and tell them to shut up, sit down and let us live our lives in freedom.
“Video of the meeting which took place in December when Jeff Perrine delivered a scathing beatdown to the masked “beta males” at the Lincoln, CA board meeting who he accused of promoting hysteria that’s “creating a generation of children with social anxiety,” who will could become “an entire generation of pill-popping junkies.”
Perinne, who goes by the handle The Prudent Patriot on Twitter and YouTube was loaded for bear when his turn came to speak and his words may serve as the inspiration for other parents who are fed up with forced masking, critical race theory and the hyper-sexualization of young kids by mental predators masquerading as teachers.
No longer should we be silent when our elected officials abuse their office, take away our freedoms and knowingly harm our kids. The next step is to vote in large numbers and thrown the totalitarians out of office.
Calif. dad brutally shreds ‘beta male’ school board members in epic viral rant: ‘You guys are toast’

Chris Donaldson, Biz Pac Review, 1/9/22
An angry California father who went off on members of a local school board has become a hero to parents of children who have been victimized by those who use their positions as educators to indoctrinate impressionable young minds with leftist ideology.
Video of the meeting which took place in December when Jeff Perrine delivered a scathing beatdown to the masked “beta males” at the Lincoln, CA board meeting who he accused of promoting hysteria that’s “creating a generation of children with social anxiety,” who will could become “an entire generation of pill-popping junkies.”
Perinne, who goes by the handle The Prudent Patriot on Twitter and YouTube was loaded for bear when his turn came to speak and his words may serve as the inspiration for other parents who are fed up with forced masking, critical race theory and the hyper-sexualization of young kids by mental predators masquerading as teachers.
His epic words have been posted on his YouTube channel and have gone viral as the backlash against twisted teachers spreads across the nation.
(Video: The Prudent Patriot)
“When I see the members of the board in the schools that are in control of our children and the way they think, I’m disgusted.” he began. “This is exactly why my kids are at home, homeschooled, staying away from people like you that want to poison their minds and think there’s something they should fear, you guys are like the bogeyman, you’re creating hysteria and you’re creating a generation of children with social anxiety. You’re going to create an entire generation of pill-popping junkies.”
Perrine continued, “And this is going to be your doing because they have no idea what other people’s faces and smiles look like, they’re going to grow up in a world of angry bitter people, pissed-off citizens who have no idea, this mouth plays a major role in non-verbal communication.”
After he spoke of his educational background and stating that he stands up for kids in the community, Perrine went for the jugular as the crowd applauded in approval.
“These women right here, it’s sad you beta males let these women lead by example, let me tell you right now you sad little betas, you are seen as weak minuscule men and I tell my (unintelligible) men like you, those aren’t men, you understand?” He said. “You are being weak, minuscule men the rest of your lives, and I’m not going to let you influence the boys in this community to be little cucks, you understand? This is a city of men, not betas, not gender-identified people you understand?” There are men and there are women and there are betas and there are alphas and this omicron crap is a joke, take the mask off, take a deep breath, go do some yoga….”
… this is psychological damage and I know you’re looking at me bro cause you know what I’m saying is truth. You know it, you’re going to go home and sleep on this and it’s going to bother you, and I’ll be back in two weeks, bro, I’ll be back every two weeks cause I own my own business, I homeschool my kids, and I can do that because no one else signs my checks you understand?.”
The Prudent Patriot then put the board on notice, “We sign their checks and you best bet that I’m going to run a boatload of people against you guys, there ain’t gonna be no easy peasy election next time. … you guys are toast. I don’t care what you did in your community because this is enough. You can go do all the good you want but when you poison my kids’ mind, it’s done, you’ve crossed the line so I’m letting you know, we’re pissed and it’s enough.”
Twitter users reacted with high praise.