California Assembly Passes “Kill More Babies” Bill Forcing Taxpayers to Fund More

California Assembly Passes “Kill More Babies” Bill Forcing Taxpayers to Fund More

The Sacramento Democrats are passing a law to make your private health insurance even more expensive.  While forcing the insurance industry to make abortions cheaper—and already forcing them to provide hundreds of dollars to kill babies, that loss on that procedure is ADDED to your insurance costs—someone has to pay.

“California lawmakers on Thursday voted to make abortions much cheaper for people on private health insurance plans, bringing California closer to becoming the fourth state in the country to ban insurance fees for the procedure.

California already requires private health insurance plans to cover abortion services. But insurers are allowed to charge people things like co-pays and deductibles, which adds an average of $543 to the cost of a medication abortion and $887 to the cost of a procedural abortion, according to an analysis by the California Health Benefits Review Program.”

Note how cheap it is to kill babies—heck, gangs pay $10,000 for a hit—killing babies is cheap.

California Assembly Passes “Kill More Babies” Bill Forcing Taxpayers to Fund More Abortions

State  |  Steven Ertelt , Life News,   3/18/22 

California lawmakers aren’t helping pregnant women with things like baby clothes, maternity care, child care or employment assistance. Instead, they’re forcing taxpayers to fund more abortions — as the Democrat-controlled California Assembly passed the “Kill More Babies” bill to make ending the lives of unborn children a little less expensive.

Here’s more:

California lawmakers on Thursday voted to make abortions much cheaper for people on private health insurance plans, bringing California closer to becoming the fourth state in the country to ban insurance fees for the procedure.

California already requires private health insurance plans to cover abortion services. But insurers are allowed to charge people things like co-pays and deductibles, which adds an average of $543 to the cost of a medication abortion and $887 to the cost of a procedural abortion, according to an analysis by the California Health Benefits Review Program.

The Assembly approved a bill that would eliminate out-of-pocket costs for abortions on private health plans. While the bill would reduce the cost of abortions, it would also slightly increase monthly premiums for patients and their employers. But the savings from eliminating out-of-pocket costs would be greater than the increase in monthly premiums.

The bill now heads to the California Senate for a confirmation vote and then Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to sign it into law.

A leading pro-life group condemned the move.

Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council, which opposes abortion, said eliminating out-of-pocket costs provides an extra incentive for patients to seek abortions “beyond any other health care choice.”

“The real tragedy is in the state we now are really treating abortion like we treat no other health care services,” he said. “We do not see the Assembly today, for example, vote to make dialysis free. We did not see the Assembly vote to make insulin free.”

“Abortion is a harmful procedure that kills an innocent life and harms a mother every time it is performed. Further, abortion is not safe even when experienced physicians perform them,” he added. “Additionally, abortion is never necessary. The vast majority of abortions are not performed for the sake of the mother’s health, and for those that are, there are better ways to care for a mother who is experiencing complications.”

“What women experiencing crisis pregnancies really need is information about the help and support available to them. Most women “choose” abortion out of desperation and end up living with life-long pain and grief. If democrats and abortion providers really cared about women’s health, they would focus on life-affirming care,” he continued