Imagine going to your mailbox and you have a letter from Planned Parenthood or your insurance company. It is a bill for hundreds of thousands of dollars for a surgery you did not approve or know about. In fact, Democrats are passing a bill to keep you out of the loop, totally. That is until you receive the bill. Then when you child goes suicidal, has a drug or alcohol problem—you have to deal with it. When you child is emotionally destroyed, you will deal with it.
“A California Senate committee will hold a hearing Wednesday on a Planned Parenthood sponsored bill to force insurance companies to hide medical procedures given to minor children from their parents.
These so-called ‘sensitive’ services include abortions, sexual assault treatment, drug abuse and mental health treatment, cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers and sex-change operations.
In short, Planned Parenthood wants parents to pay for major services for their children, but doesn’t want them to know what they are or that Planned Parenthood may provide them.”
What is more shocking is that three Republicans voted to take away parental rights—but not the financial responsibility. “So far, a majority of California legislators like AB 1184. The bill, authored by Assemblyman David Chiu (D – San Francisco), passed the Assembly last month with a vote of 59 to 11, with six not voting.
Three Republicans voted yes; Assembly members Devon Mathis, Suzette Martinez Valladares, and Jordan Cunningham.”
California bill would make parents pay for kids’ secret sex changes

Measure compliments of the nation’s top abortion provider
From Greg Burt, Press California, 7/6/21
SACRAMENTO — A California Senate committee will hold a hearing Wednesday on a Planned Parenthood sponsored bill to force insurance companies to hide medical procedures given to minor children from their parents.
These so-called ‘sensitive’ services include abortions, sexual assault treatment, drug abuse and mental health treatment, cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers and sex-change operations.
In short, Planned Parenthood wants parents to pay for major services for their children, but doesn’t want them to know what they are or that Planned Parenthood may provide them.
So far, a majority of California legislators like AB 1184. The bill, authored by Assemblyman David Chiu (D – San Francisco), passed the Assembly last month with a vote of 59 to 11, with six not voting.
Three Republicans voted yes; Assembly members Devon Mathis, Suzette Martinez Valladares, and Jordan Cunningham.
“Legislators should not be helping Planned Parenthood undermine parents’ rights to guide and oversee the healthcare of their children,” said California Family Council President Jonathan Keller.
“Transparency matters. The owner of an insurance policy deserves to know what medical procedures they are paying for.”
The Pacific Justice Institute opposes the bill, in particular to defend transparency in medical billing.
“In an effort to further hide information from parents and partners, the bill would put policyholders in the impossible position of being financially responsible for the bills they did not incur and cannot verify as being legitimate,” wrote PJI Senior Staff Attorney Matthew McReynolds in an AB 1184 opposition letter.
McReynolds thinks the bill is ideologically driven and will wreak havoc within families.
“Already, state law gives minors the ability to consent to a variety of medical and psychological services while keeping parents in the dark, depriving parents of the ability to fully care for children who they may not know are in crisis,” he said.
“Expanding the State-sponsored deception and reducing transparency only adds insult to injury.”
AB 1184 has been assigned to the Senate Health Committee with a hearing scheduled for July 7th.
Greg Burt is director of capitol engagement for the California Family Council.