California CCW holders no longer prohibited from several public locations with recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision

The good news is that a court ruled you can protect yourself in twelve places.  The bad news is that the same court says you have NO right to protect yourself in 14 places—where criminals will know you can’t defend yourself.

A number of law enforcement agencies across Northern California said they would not enforce SB-2 as they felt it was an affront to constitutionally protected gun owners.

On Jan. 6, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against an earlier decision to allow the law to temporarily go into effect in 2024.

The January decision focused primarily on barring the prohibition of concealed carry in most public places.

The Sept. 6 decision now cuts down the number of types of public locations prohibited for CCW holders from 26 to around a dozen.”

California is not safe—just as the Democrats want.  As for me, would rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

California CCW holders no longer prohibited from several public locations with recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision

by: Matthew Nobert, Fox40,  9/18/24

(FOX40.COM) — Concealed carry weapon holders in California have received more clarification on where they can carry their weapon following a Sept. 6 ruling from the 9th Circut Court of Appeals.

The April 11 appeal of SB-2 was heard by circuit judges Mary M. Schroeder, Susan P. Graber, and Jennifer Sung. The opinion was given by Judge Graber.

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The new ruling will now allow CCW holders to carry concealed at:
• Churches
• Medical facilities
• Public transit
• Gatherings that require a permit
• “Private-Property Default Rule” – meaning private business owners are not required to post signs allowing CCWs
• Financial institutions
• Parking areas

Prohibited locations include:
• Bars and restaurants serving alcohol
• Playgrounds
• Youth centers
• Parks, State Parks
• Casinos
• Stadiums and Arenas
• Libraries
• Zoos
• Amusement Parks
• Museums
• Parking areas connected to or in control of the above

History of Senate Bill 2

Senate Bill 2 was signed into law by Gov. Newsom in September 2023 to ban concealed carry weapons from being carried in 26 types of public locations.

It also requires that a person must be at least 21 years old, provide character references and go through a background check to apply for a concealed carry permit.

On Dec. 20, U.S. District Judge Cormac J. Carney issued an order to stop one of SB 2’s regulations, the ban on licensed gun carrying in a public place.

“The Second Amendment preserves a fundamental constitutional right for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms for self-defense,” Carney said in his ruling.

A second court overturned Carney’s decision days later and forced the law into action in January.

A number of law enforcement agencies across Northern California said they would not enforce SB-2 as they felt it was an affront to constitutionally protected gun owners.

On Jan. 6, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against an earlier decision to allow the law to temporarily go into effect in 2024.

The January decision focused primarily on barring the prohibition of concealed carry in most public places.

The Sept. 6 decision now cuts down the number of types of public locations prohibited for CCW holders from 26 to around a dozen.

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