California Civil Rights Attorney Calls for Immediate Resignation of OC County Health Officer and School Board Superintendent for Planning to Vaccinate Children without Parental Consent

LAUSD allows a teacher to take a 13 year old girl to Planned Parenthood, without telling the parents or asking permission.  But if the same teacher wants to give the child an aspirin, permission must be given.  Then when the girl is home, bleeding, depressed and suicidal, the teacher and LAUSD take NO responsibility for their actions.  To me, this is kidnapping.  What do you think?

Now, in Orange County, the government schools plan to give you child an experimental vaccine—that has already KILLED 3500 people per the CDC—and not tell the parents.  Do you need another reason to pass an Educational Choice ballot measure?  We also need to make it a crime to kidnap kids and either drug them or kill babies, without parental notification—and permission.

“Last year, Attorney Dundas publicly criticized then Orange County Health Officer Dr. Nichole Quick for her policies on mandatory masks in the county, and it led to Dr. Quick’s resignation. Her replacement, Dr. Clayton Chau, is now under public scrutiny from Attorney Dundas for suggesting that children should be vaccinated with the experimental COVID shots without parental consent.

I thought Orange County is better than this.  The County School Board needs to control the system—if not, then the only other option is RECALL.

California Civil Rights Attorney Calls for Immediate Resignation of County Health Officer and School Board Superintendent for Planning to Vaccinate Children without Parental Consent

by Brian Shilhavy,  Editor, Health Impact News, 4/21/21  

California civil rights attorney Leigh Dundas is making waves again in Orange County, California, where she recently called for the resignation of Orange County Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau and Orange County Superintendent of Schools Al Mijares for allegedly meeting and discussing how to remove parental consent to experimental COVID “vaccines” for school children, and turn schools into COVID-19 “vaccination centers.”

Last year, Attorney Dundas publicly criticized then Orange County Health Officer Dr. Nichole Quick for her policies on mandatory masks in the county, and it led to Dr. Quick’s resignation. Her replacement, Dr. Clayton Chau, is now under public scrutiny from Attorney Dundas for suggesting that children should be vaccinated with the experimental COVID shots without parental consent.

Attorney Leigh Dundas expressed her displeasure at this meeting at a public forum last week, and issued strict warnings to Orange County Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau and Orange County Superintendent of Schools Al Mijares during a 3.5 minute rant.

Listen to her warning. This is from our Rumble Channel, and it is also on our Bitchute channel.