California Democrats:  Ric Grennell is NOT a Real Gay Person

Ric Grennell was our ambassador to Germany.  He served as the Acting head of our National Security agency.  In many other ways, Grennell has served our nation.  California State Senate Republicans, as part of the Democrat called “Pride Month” decided to honor Ambassador Grennell for his service.

But the lesbian Democrat Senate leader, Toni Atkins decided Grennell was not the right type of gay.

The San Fran Democrat State Senator, who promotes and protects pedophilia, Scott Weiner, declared that Grennell was not gay enough.

““While @RichardGrenell made history in advancing LGBT equality and defending gay people globally, Wiener is best known for championing the lowering of criminal prosecution for adult men having sex with 14 year olds and HIV+ men intentionally infecting others,” Greene noted.”

Grennells’ crime?  He was and is a support of Donald Trump/  Just as the Democrats declare Senator Time Scott and Larry Elder are not black enough—because they support the Constitution and are Republicans, Grennell can not be gay because he is a Republican.

Now you know why the modern day Democrats are the Party of hate and bigotry—they hate blacks and gays.

Dem Senator Roasted by Ric Grenell After Tantrum Over GOP Honoring Him During ‘Pride Month’

By Sister Toldjah, RedState,  6/26/23

Anytime you are a minority who also happens to be a Republican, you get subjected to some of the most vile verbal abuse by the so-called “party of tolerance,” especially if you happen to be black or gay.

Ric Grenell, who served in various leadership roles under then-President Donald Trump including as acting Director of National Intelligence from February 2020 to May 2020, understands this all too well.

Not only has he has at times been accused of being a traitor to the gay community because of his loyalty to Trump, but the woke left-wing media has also conveniently tried to overlook his long career in public service, at one point seemingly forgetting that he was a member of the Trump administration in their “reporting” on Pete Buttigieg getting confirmed as Joe Biden’s Transportation Secretary.

Fast forward to the present day, and with it being Pride Month, state senators in California on the Republican side decided to honor Grenell, a resident of California, on Monday for his service to his country.

I mean that’s what Democrats have told us before, right? That Pride Month was all about recognizing and respecting the contributions of LGBTQ Americans? After all, these are the rules California Democrats play by, and California Republicans are right in trying to get them to abide by what they demand of everyone else.

But watch what happened as the ceremony got underway in the Senate chamber. Several Democrats including radical LGBTQ activist Scott Wiener got up and walked out in protest:

Later, Wiener took to the Twitter machine to explain his actions.

“Grenell is a self-hating gay man. He’s a scam artist pink-washer for Trump & spreads anti-LGBTQ, anti-vax, election-denier conspiracy theories,” Wiener, who has become infamous in the Golden State for among other things encouraging gay orgies during the monkeypox scare and who is a proponent of teaching “drag” to students in grades K-12, declared.

Grenell, of course, was not having it, and responded accordingly:

It’s an honor to be your enemy.

You are a radical voice against common sense, decency and parental rights.

You are an apologist for pedophilia & child abuse – and you undermine American values.

Conservative author and LGBTQ commentator Chad Felix Greene also had a few words for Wiener.

“While @RichardGrenell made history in advancing LGBT equality and defending gay people globally, Wiener is best known for championing the lowering of criminal prosecution for adult men having sex with 14 year olds and HIV+ men intentionally infecting others,” Greene noted.

“He built a unique and impressive career without relying on minority status and he represents the goal of true equality,” Greene also wrote of Grenell.

RedState’s own Brittany Sheehan also blasted Wiener, pointing out that he had some nerve calling Grenell “self-hating” considering the things which Wiener has championed:

How dare you call @RichardGrenell “self-hating” when you degrade sexual orientation into fetishism and respect for religious faiths into costume contests.

They say you are known by the company you keep, but in my opinion that rule also applies to the company you don’t keep, and that definitely applies here. Anyone who stands opposed to the Scott Wieners of this country and who can be a force to be reckoned with without constantly falling back on their gender, race, sexual preference, identity, etc. is okay in my book.