This is what it takes—when adults act like spoiled little bullies, teenagers need to act like adults. If a Principal told students to jump off a cliff, the kids would not. When a Principal tells students to wear a diaper on their face, without any value, expect to breathe bad air for 6-8 hours a day and harm their health—the students need to be adults and stop listening to sick people.
“But what can a group of angry kids and their irate parents do against the powerful state bureaucracy? Could this possibly have any effect? It turns out that it did and it took less than one day for the school district to cave. They sent out a letter to parents the same day saying that the school district would be “changing its masking enforcement protocols” starting immediately.
“The enforcement of masking will be done by educating students and asking them to mask but no further actions of exclusion from class will be taken,” the district said. “Moving forward students will not be physically removed from the classroom or receive a discipline consequence to prevent further exclusionary learning loss.”
You read that right—the educrats not only wanted to physically harm the students, but tried to take away their Constitutional right to an education. These educrats need to be fored—to protect students and the community.
California high school sees mass walkout over mask mandate

JAZZ SHAW, Hot Air, 2/16/22
Trouble is brewing at Oak Ridge High School in El Dorado Hills, California this week. And if you’ll pardon me for borrowing a phrase from the social justice movement, it’s “good trouble.” Despite the state of California finally starting to loosen mask mandates in most places, the order remains in effect for public schools. This was apparently a bridge too far for the parents of the students attending Oak Ridge. Yesterday, the majority of them sent their children to school without masks. When they arrived and were ordered to put on masks provided by the school, they walked out in protest. Fox News has the details and the video.
Hundreds of students at a northern California high school walked out of class Tuesday afternoon to protest their district’s mask mandate that has been kept in place despite a statewide loosening of restrictions.
Photos and a video shared with Fox News show a throng of maskless students assembled outside Oak Ridge High School in El Dorado Hills, California.
Jennifer Yoder, an Oak Ridge parent and an administrator of the Facebook page “Eldorado Hills Republicans,” told Fox News that she and other parents sent their kids to school without masks.
Here’s the video, posted by one of the mothers, Jennifer Yoder, quoted in the article.
But what can a group of angry kids and their irate parents do against the powerful state bureaucracy? Could this possibly have any effect? It turns out that it did and it took less than one day for the school district to cave. They sent out a letter to parents the same day saying that the school district would be “changing its masking enforcement protocols” starting immediately.
“The enforcement of masking will be done by educating students and asking them to mask but no further actions of exclusion from class will be taken,” the district said. “Moving forward students will not be physically removed from the classroom or receive a discipline consequence to prevent further exclusionary learning loss.”
These people aren’t stupid and they’re not helpless. They’ve clearly seen the news of the mandates being lifted for adults in most settings. And I would wager that a majority of them also caught wind of the news of the Governor and several big-city mayors ignoring the rules while attending NFL games and other celebtrations. They know this is all an offensive joke being played on them.
When the teachers’ unions shut the schools down for an entire year while making demands regarding COVID protocols, they created an angry army of parents, but there wasn’t much they could do about it if the teachers refused to return. But when the parents and the students get together and empty the schools, leaving the teachers and administrators to stare out the windows at them as they walk away, well… things can get awkward pretty quickly.
As Fox News reports, Oak Ridge wasn’t the only place where this was happening this week. The Roseville Joint Union High School District school board near Sacramento similarly announced a “mask optional” policy. Corona Norco Unified School District in Riverside County was unable to immediately get the mask policy lifted, but they set up a sheltered, outdoor area where unmasked students were free to go protest or work on school assignments as they wished.
The times they are a’changing. People are reaching the ends of their ropes. And the elected officials pushing all of this nonsense – particularly the ones who ignore the rules they impose on everyone else – should be getting very nervous about now. Do. Not. Comply.