If you are a criminal from another country and break into our nation, you become rich. You get housing, free health care, food stamps, free phones, free education—and since the Secretary of State does not care, you get to vote—and the Legislature gives you the right to vote. Even though Federal law does not allow you to work—you can, get paid under the table and not pay income taxes.
Oh, the cost, via Medicaid was supposed to be $2 billion a year for free health care for illegal aliens. In the past year it actually cost $4 billion
Now, the Governor has figured out a way to give you $300 a week!!
“In his revised budget, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) cautioned legislators to maintain “prudence.” But under SB 227, “excluded” workers who are in the country illegally would be able to receive $300 per week in benefits.
As Fox News reported, proponents say migrant workers “deserve” the benefits, despite entering the U.S. unlawfully:
In March, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted a resolution supporting the statewide bill.
Even a Republican on the Board of Supervisors supported the theft of $300 a week for criminals and law breakers.
California, in Deficit, Considers Unemployment Benefits for ‘Undocumented’ Workers

JOEL B. POLLAK, Breitbart, 5/16/23 https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/05/16/california-in-deficit-considers-unemployment-benefits-for-undocumented-workers/
The California state legislature is considering a bill that would grant unemployed workers who are illegally in the country access to unemployment benefits — even though the state is running a massive budget deficit.
As Breitbart News reported earlier this week, California’s fiscus has fallen in the space of one year from a surplus of $100 billion, partly based on federal cash for coronavirus relief, to a staggering deficit of $32 billion.
In his revised budget, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) cautioned legislators to maintain “prudence.” But under SB 227, “excluded” workers who are in the country illegally would be able to receive $300 per week in benefits.
As Fox News reported, proponents say migrant workers “deserve” the benefits, despite entering the U.S. unlawfully:
In March, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted a resolution supporting the statewide bill.
“We cannot take people’s money, take people’s taxes, take people’s labor and then deny them the very benefits and rights that they deserve and that they have earned,” Supervisor Shamann Walton said at a protest before the board met.
Payroll taxes on illegal immigrants contribute $485 million a year to the state’s Unemployment Insurance system, according to the Safety Net for All Coalition, a group of over 120 organizations across California seeking to expand welfare programs for undocumented workers. The weekly checks plus administrative expenses in the proposed legislation [are] estimated to cost $356 million in state funds.
California’s unemployment insurance program is already controversial, having lost $30 billion in fraudulent claims during the pandemic. The state recently defaulted on a federal loan to cover a shortfall in benefits.