Your math teacher, instead of learning to better at their job, will be taught how to groom little kids. The history teacher, instead of explaining the meaning of the Civil War, is going to be taught how to determine if a kid is male, female or one of the 82 genders recognized by the State of California (science says there are only two genders, the rest are feeling.
Finally, the teachers will be taught to allow a 15 boy, claiming for the day he is a female, into a girl’s bathroom. I guess if a child decides she or he is a cat, the school will provide kitty litter.
“California Democrats on Monday passed a bill to require public middle and high school teachers to undergo annual training on issues such as how to identify kids whose parents may not accept their new gender identities and why gender-confused kids should be able to use opposite-sex locker rooms and bathrooms.
Note there is no mention of mental illness—just accept it. We are growing a generation of confused, mentally ill children.
California Dems Pass Bill to Mandate Gender Ideology Training for Teachers

Susannah Luthi, Washington Free Beacon, 9/12/23
California Democrats on Monday passed a bill to require public middle and high school teachers to undergo annual training on issues such as how to identify kids whose parents may not accept their new gender identities and why gender-confused kids should be able to use opposite-sex locker rooms and bathrooms.
The legislation would make mandatory a state-commissioned course already being written by Los Angeles County’s education agency and under the advisory auspices of powerful nonprofits that have been at the forefront in pushing gender ideology in schools, including the Equality California Institute, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, and The Trevor Project. The bill now heads to Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk.
The training would further entrench in California schools some core tenets of gender ideology that some experts say are potentially harmful. It comes as a handful of school districts in the state have rejected California’s guidance that teachers and administrators should help kids adopt a different gender identity behind their parents’ backs.
“Safe and supportive learning environments” should identify “LGBTQ+ youth who are subject to, or may be at risk of, bullying and lack of acceptance at home or in their communities,” according to the bill text. Teachers are instructed to give those individuals “targeted support services” such as counseling, and maintaining their privacy—the state’s rationale for advising schools to transition kids to a new identity without telling their parents.
The bill dovetails with a separate proposal, also on Newsom’s desk, that would require schools to adopt curriculum promoting gender ideology, said Nicole Pearson, a Southern California lawyer who advocated against the bill.
“One hits the schools and the books, and the other hits the teachers,” Pearson said. “It trains them how to speak to students and families, use the curriculum that will be mandated by the state, and how to support gender transition plans.”
The training itself was commissioned by the legislature in 2019 as part of Equality California’s “Safe and Supportive Schools” project. The state has already earmarked $2.4 million for the training, and an additional $7.8 million per year to educate teachers, according to a legislative analysis.
Sorry – I’d tell my kids to look in their pants. IF it’s an “outie” – they’re a boy. IF it’s NOT – they’re a girl!!!! Learn to live with it. We learn to live with health problems, physical disabilities, and even some personality quirks – so they can learn also!!!!
The elephant in the room is the myriad of sexual proclivities that undoubtably lurk in the hearts of our public school teacher ranks. Will a homosexual teacher adequately explain what a heterosexual couple does to procreate? Or will he/she embellish their own preferences? How can you monitor it? How can you make parents believe they are not filling little brains with dysphoria?
The answer is take sex out of the schools and put it back in the family. It is not a perfect system but it does not open yet another door for the far left indoctrination zealots.