California now has 11% tax on gun and ammunition due to new law. Here’s what to know

The Democrats do not want you to own a weapon nor be able to defend yourself.  On one hand that have defunded the police, made it difficult for police to arrest someone without getting sued and smeared.   The Fed already tax you 11-12% on the purchase of a gun.  Now the State has decided to match that and make it worse.

“Prices of guns and ammunition will rise in California as new firearm tax law goes into effect in July. What this means for gun owners.

You’ll soon have to pay more for guns and ammo in California, due to a new law. Starting July 1, Assembly Bill 28 requires manufacturers, vendors and dealers to pay an 11% tax on firearms and ammunition to fund violence prevention efforts.

It’s one of several new laws focused on gun control, including limiting concealed weapons in public and requiring financial institutions to track firearm sales.”  Of course when you buy a gun you have to register it—so why do the banks have to show you paid for the gun?  Just to raise the cost of protection.

California now has 11% tax on gun and ammunition due to new law. Here’s what to know

BY HANH TRUONG, Sacramento Bee,  6/30/24

Prices of guns and ammunition will rise in California as new firearm tax law goes into effect in July. What this means for gun owners.

You’ll soon have to pay more for guns and ammo in California, due to a new law. Starting July 1, Assembly Bill 28 requires manufacturers, vendors and dealers to pay an 11% tax on firearms and ammunition to fund violence prevention efforts.

It’s one of several new laws focused on gun control, including limiting concealed weapons in public and requiring financial institutions to track firearm sales. What to know about the new gun tax law: HOW DOES NEW CALIFORNIA LAW WORK?

Assembly Bill 28 — also known as the Gun Violence Prevention and School Safety Act — imposes an excise tax of 11% of the gross receipts from retail sales of firearms, firearm precursor parts and ammunition. Sellers of guns and ammunition must pay the new state tax on top of the 10% to 11% federal excise tax they already pay to fund wildlife conservation efforts. Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel, D-Woodland Hills, authored the bill after other lawmakers tried and failed to push similar taxes on guns and ammunition through the Legislature. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the first-of-its-kind legislation into law in September 2023.

WHERE DOES TAX REVENUE GO? Revenue from the new gun tax will go to the Gun Violence Prevention and School Safety Fund. Money in that fund must be “used to fund various gun violence prevention, education, research, response, and investigation programs, as specified,” according to AB 28. Specifically, the money will go towards the Board of State and Community Corrections to fund California Violence Intervention and Prevention grants and programs. Some of the funds could go toward the California Department of Education to address school safety and gun violence, according to the law. That could include security improvements and school programs. Funds may also be allocated towards programs for the firearm relinquishment grant, victims of gun violence grant and informational gun safety.

ISN’T THERE ALREADY A GUN TAX? There’s been a 10% to 11% federal excise tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition by manufacturers, producers and importers since 1919. Revenues from this tax have been used to “fund wildlife conservation efforts that remediate the effects that firearms and ammunition have on wildlife populations through game hunting,” AB 28 said. Tax revenues have also been used to pay for “conservation-related research, technical assistance, hunter safety and hunter development,” the law said.

2 thoughts on “California now has 11% tax on gun and ammunition due to new law. Here’s what to know

  1. This law discriminates against the less wealthy amongst Californians. The Tax should be based on income and wealth. Utility bills are based on income and wealth, why not guns and amo? By adding taxes on guns and amo, California makes the purchase of these products prohibitive. And at the same time California is increasing the economy of the Black Market that will supply the product to willing buyers. Let’s create more laws that can be broken but won’t be enforced!

  2. I hope I live long enough to see this law and others like wind their way through the notoriously leftist 9th Circuit Courts to the SCOTUS. It took years for Feinstein (please don’t RIP Witch!) phony Assault Weapons Ban get shot down. A prior commenter is correct, it is a discriminatory tax on the poor who have the same 1st Amendment protections as the rich jerks that proffer these bills. Hopefully, they may never be in a situation to have to defend themselves (without bodyguards they hire).

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