California Republicans told they already voted due to something ‘wonky’ with computers, KTLA reports

Fraud in California voting?  Just because 440.000 dead people and those living out of State get live ballots, why call that fraud?  Or having people pick up ballots door to door—without any audit to prove those ballots were submitted to the Registrar of Voters—is that fraud.  Or someone determining they can not rad a ballot—so they make up a new one—without observation—could that be fraud.

Now we have the ultimate fraud—people stealing ballots and voting them—then the real person tries to vote and they can not.  Corruption?  You bet.  An honest election, not on your life.  These examples show that election results can not be trusted.

“According to a local news report, residents who went to cast their votes at a Woodland Hills high school were shocked when they were told that they had already voted according to computers.

The problems occurred at an early voting site at El Camino Real Charter High School where several people were informed by staffers that they wouldn’t be able to cast their ballots and were given provisional ballots instead.

Those who were turned away appear to have one thing in common – they are Republicans.

KTLA reports that something “wonky” may be going on in the San Fernando Valley.

Estelle Bender, an 88-year-old West Hills resident told a reporter, “I got there at 10:30, gave her this and she scanned it, and said you voted.”

“I said, no I haven’t, and she said this has been happening all morning. The man next to me was arguing the same thing,” she said.

Gee, only Republicans are having this problem—what are the odds.  Corruption? Yup.

California Republicans told they already voted due to something ‘wonky’ with computers, KTLA reports

Chris Donaldson, Bizpacreview, 9/13/21 

Reports of voting issues are coming out of California in advance of Tuesday’s special recall election when the fate of embattled Governor Gavin Newsom will be decided, leading to confusion and suspicion among some voters.

According to a local news report, residents who went to cast their votes at a Woodland Hills high school were shocked when they were told that they had already voted according to computers.

The problems occurred at an early voting site at El Camino Real Charter High School where several people were informed by staffers that they wouldn’t be able to cast their ballots and were given provisional ballots instead.

Those who were turned away appear to have one thing in common – they are Republicans.

KTLA reports that something “wonky” may be going on in the San Fernando Valley.

Estelle Bender, an 88-year-old West Hills resident told a reporter, “I got there at 10:30, gave her this and she scanned it, and said you voted.”

“I said, no I haven’t, and she said this has been happening all morning. The man next to me was arguing the same thing,” she said.

She added, “So as I left – I did the provisional ballot – I was really angry, and I saw two women walking toward me as I left and I said don’t be surprised if they tell you you’ve already voted, and she said, they’ve already done that.”

When asked by the reporter who she voted for, Bender responded, “well I asked the couple, the young women who I talked to and I said, are you by any chance Republicans?”

“She said yes, and I said so am I, and so are the two friends who had the problem at VFW,” she said.

Some Twitter users smelled a rat.

They didn’t even wait to get behind to fix this election. No chances taken here. 🤣🤣🤣

— Only McBird’s opinion🦜 (@Jimmie_McBird13) September 12, 2021

The governor controls billions in contracts, directives, and favors. This rich drunk guy is connected up the wazoo to very wealthy people and corporations. He’s not going quietly.

— Lex Jurgen (@Lex_Jurgen) September 12, 2021

How come only Republicans experience these “difficulties” when voting for the recall of a Democrat Governor? Didn’t we hear the song, “the machine said I already voted when I KNOW I didn’t vote yet,” before?

— David L. Jones (@DavidLJ56291886) September 12, 2021

Ah shit! The Democrats are at it again! Wonder if Elder will be leading on Recall night until 10 PM when they have to shut down voting until the morning, when OMG! all of a sudden Newsome somehow wins in a landslide. They’re actually going to do to Elder what they did to Trump!

— G.W. Khushrenada. (@GWKhushrenada) September 13, 2021

More Voter Fraud! It’s the only way Democrats Win!

— Sikkat (@Sikkat8) September 12, 2021

The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder responded: “The voters who experienced this issue were offered and provided a provisional ballot – the failsafe option to ensure no one is turned away from voting. Provisional ballots are regular ballots and once the eligibility of the voter is verified, they are processed and counted. After troubleshooting the issue, the equipment at the locations was replaced and voting continued.”

Republicans have good reason to be skeptical following the controversy over the 2020 presidential election, one that former President Donald J. Trump continues to contend was rigged, and if there are more voting problems in California, public faith in fair elections will almost certainly be adversely affected.

Governor Newsom is pulling out all the stops as he fights for his political life in an election that is too close to call and will be bringing in President Joe Biden hoping that he will be able to close the deal with the party faithful.