Why spend money and time if you know that you are not going to get the education you need to create a successful future. If you knew going to class meant going through a gauntlet of rallies, bullies, hatemongers, racists and then when you get in class you get a diatribe from the professor, why waste the time?
“According to the most recent enrollment report from California State University (CSU), enrollment has dropped by nearly 6% since 2019. That means there are about 28,000 fewer students enrolled in a CSU.
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California State University system sees unprecedented decline in enrollment
by: Veronica Catlin, Fox40, 3/11/24 https://fox40.com/news/california-connection/california-state-university-system-sees-unprecedented-decline-in-enrollment/SHARE
(FOX40.COM) — The California State University system is experiencing an unprecedented decline in the number of students enrolled in its programs.
According to the most recent enrollment report from California State University (CSU), enrollment has dropped by nearly 6% since 2019. That means there are about 28,000 fewer students enrolled in a CSU.
The CSU system is the nation’s largest four-year public education university system and includes 23 universities and seven off-campus centers. Although CSU enrollment is trending on the decline, California is not alone.
According to the Education Data Initiative, college enrollment statistics indicate that more Americans are forgoing higher education; “some may be putting off college attendance to build savings.”
From 2010 (enrollment peak) until 2023, enrollment has declined 9.8% nationwide, according to educationdata.org. The rate of enrollment among new high school graduates has also declined by 7.3% year over year.
This doesn’t surprise me. I graduated form a very conservative school, California State University, Stanislaus in Turlock, CA. At the time I enrolled ion late 73 it was very small campus and had a great Business Department with the most PhD professors in the CA University system. to boot, the school was a very conservative faculty as were the students that hailed form the conservative Central Valley of California. Many of us were post Viet Nam veterans, a little older than the usual students and that made some differences.
I graduated in 1976 with a degree in Business, concentration in Accounting, Economics and English. I feel that education has served me well. I receive the quarterly Warrior news magazine. I used to read it, but the features of the magazine read as if I had attended UC Berkely in thew 60’s less the riots. Every liberal tenet of baloney is featured and exalted. These kids are being indoctrinated, not educated. Maybe these stay aways from higher education have realized this useless endeavor to plunge yourself in debt for no benefit and have taken an alternative course to life’s work. Good for them!