Government schools in California have become have centers for the Soviet/Chinese mindset. Want to teach hate—California schools. Wan schools to be role models for tyranny, hate of free speech and bigotry? California schools.
“The social science teacher at Whitney High School included a question in a multiple-choice exam asking students to identify “A group of complete idiots.” The possible answers given were: “KKK,” “all of Florida,” “Fox News,” or “Texans.”
A screenshot of the question was posted on social media and quickly went viral. Parents and students alike understood the exam question as an attempt to mock conservative students and their beliefs and to equate conservatives with hate groups like the KKK.Why hasn’t this teacher been fired? Why haven’t the parents sued the school district? Why is the State still giving money to a district that openly promotes hate?

California Teacher Insults Conservatives in Exam Question
“A group of complete idiots”
By Sara Dogan, Freedom Center, 1/5/22
If more evidence was needed of the left-wing indoctrination that is epidemic in American K-12 classrooms, a high school teacher in California has once again proven the case.
The social science teacher at Whitney High School included a question in a multiple-choice exam asking students to identify “A group of complete idiots.” The possible answers given were: “KKK,” “all of Florida,” “Fox News,” or “Texans.”
A screenshot of the question was posted on social media and quickly went viral. Parents and students alike understood the exam question as an attempt to mock conservative students and their beliefs and to equate conservatives with hate groups like the KKK.
“I do believe that the intent of the questions on the test were to ridicule students who had conservative beliefs and make them feel bad for feeling that way,” said Jessica Krissovich, a friend of the student who was given the question on an exam.
“I understand he’s just trying to make a joke, but that kind of stuff shouldn’t be on a test,” Whitney student Joel Alquicira commented to a local news affiliate.
The name of the teacher has not been publicly released, but parents whose children attend Whitney have alleged that he has previously makes derogatory comments about conservatives and Republicans in class.
Confronted by this clear intent to politicize the classroom, the administration at Whitney High School was forced to act and released a statement promising to address the incident.
“Whitney High and Rocklin United is committed to providing each student, family, and staff with a safe and welcoming environment,” the statement read. “While personnel matters will remain confidential, appropriate disciplinary steps will be taken.”
To learn more about the Freedom Center’s campaign to halt indoctrination in K-12 schools, please visit our website, To read the K-12 Code of Ethics CLICK HERE. To order the Freedom Center pamphlet, “Leftist Indoctrination in Our K-12 Public Schools,” CLICK HERE. To donate to our campaign to stop K-12 IndoctrinationCLICK HERE.