The firestorm that greeted Gavin Newsom was as intense as many forest fire he allowed to happen. But, he got smart—he withdrew the demand that kids wear masks in schools till at least the end of December. Instead he is having the school districts make the mandate. Either way he is saying two things.
- He does not believe the vaccine works.
- 2. He is saying he does not believe in the science that shows the masks are worthless, for kids it could be harmful. Guess he gets his science from the Danish high school drop out, Greta.
“California schools will open schools for in-person instruction this fall — but only to students who will wear a mask.
According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, the state released guidelines Monday for a return to campus, which require California’s K-12 students to wear masks inside school buildings.
Students who refuse, with the exception of those covered under some narrow health- and disability-related exemptions, can be kicked off campus, and another form of education provided to them.
More reason for parents to pull their kids from government indoctrination, ur, schools. Another reason to pass Education Choice—so parents can send their kids to quality schools, not hostage in government/union/radical facilities.
California to ban students who refuse to wear masks

Victor Morton – The Washington Times, 7/12/21
California schools will open schools for in-person instruction this fall — but only to students who will wear a mask.
According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, the state released guidelines Monday for a return to campus, which require California’s K-12 students to wear masks inside school buildings.
Students who refuse, with the exception of those covered under some narrow health- and disability-related exemptions, can be kicked off campus, and another form of education provided to them.
“Schools must exclude students from campus if they are not exempt from wearing a face covering under California Dept. of Public Health guidelines and refuse to wear one provided by the school,” the guidelines say.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond said the new rules offer “a safe course for ensuring that every student can come back to school in the fall.”
He also said, according to the Times, that a mask rule would be particularly valuable if a school’s design or capacity makes physical distancing tougher.
“That makes it more tenable that everyone can come back and everyone can be safe,” he said.
Children younger than 12 cannot yet be vaccinated against COVID-19 but they are also the population group least at risk from either falling ill with the novel coronavirus or carrying the virus to others.