Can you afford to watch TV or keep your milk cold in the refrigerator? On March 1 PG&E raised its rates by 9%. Now, due to the expensive costs of wind and solar power, and the high cost of fossil fuel, they want another 22% raise. In a matter of a few months, home and business energy costs will have gone up 33%. Inflation, though at a 40 year high, has just started, the worse is coming.
“With double-digit inflation, mega-gas prices in California, high food costs, high housing costs, and used cars selling for new car prices, gird your loins: Pacific Gas and Electric is proposing a 22 percent rate hike.
PG&E electricity customers were recently hit by a 9% rate hike on March 1st. That rate hike was unanimously approved by the California Public Utilities Commission and includes a 10% bump for small business, and a larger increase for industrial facilities, for an average increase of 12.69% across PG&E’s entire customer base, Daily Energy News reported.”
Californians Can Weigh In on PG&E’s 22% Proposed Rate Hike with Calif. Public Utilities Commission

This increase is on top of the 9% increase PG&E electricity were hit with March 1
By Katy Grimes, California Globe, 3/11/22
With double-digit inflation, mega-gas prices in California, high food costs, high housing costs, and used cars selling for new car prices, gird your loins: Pacific Gas and Electric is proposing a 22 percent rate hike.
PG&E electricity customers were recently hit by a 9% rate hike on March 1st. That rate hike was unanimously approved by the California Public Utilities Commission and includes a 10% bump for small business, and a larger increase for industrial facilities, for an average increase of 12.69% across PG&E’s entire customer base, Daily Energy News reported.
Although PG&E also draws hydroelectric power from a system of pipes connected to dams and reservoirs, climate change and a persistent drought have diminished that supply, CPUC Commissioner Genevieve Shiroma, said.
Maybe the State Water Resources Control Board should meet with the CPUC and come to an agreement to stop the outflows of the state’s reservoirs while the threat of drought persists.
However, here’s your chance to weigh-in on latest 22% proposed rate hike:
The California Public Utilities Commission wants to hear what Californians have to say about PG&E’s proposed 22 percent rate hikes from 2023-2026.
These new rates are in addition to a 22 percent rate hike already planned for 2022. In January 2022, rates went up 8 percent. They went up another 10.5 percent last week and will rise again 3 percent this summer.
The CPUC will listen to public comments during its live webcast meetings on March 10 and March 22. Those who want to make a public comment during one of these hearings can call in via phone.
Comments can also be made at any time on the CPUC website comment section.
March 10 at 6pm
March 22 at 2pm
March 22 at 6pm
Watch the hearing live. This link will only allow you to watch. See instructions below to comment live at a hearing via phone.
- Public Comment via phone at CPUC live hearing
Participants will have audio and will be able to make comments or ask questions.
Call 800-857-1917 and enter passcode: 6032788#
- You can leave a comment in CPUC’s online comment section at anytime: