California’s GOP needs to stop being irrelevant. It’s time for a change in leadership.

California’s GOP needs to stop being irrelevant. It’s time for a change in leadership.

The county with the largest number of registered Republican in the nation is Los Angeles.  It is also a County without a functioning Central Committee.  At its meeting last week, the Treasurer did not give a report, did not say how much money had been raised, how much in the bank, or how much it owned.  Apparently the Treasurer, Keith Cascio had no idea—otherwise he would report it.  And the self proclaimed Eisenhower Republican serving as Chair, Time O’Reilly did not even question why the Committee had no idea of its financial standing.  This is the same O’Reilly that chair the CRP Platform Committee—which took out election integrity, agriculture opposition to Pro. 57 and 47, seniors, full support of Prop. 13, veterans from the Platform.  Instead he is providing us with a Kamala Harris word salad, having no meaning, values or principles.    Read this article carefully—this is how a CLOSED Party looks like.  The trimmings of a Party, with no real voter registration, candidate support or meetings that have a meaning.

Will you turn this around?

California’s GOP needs to stop being irrelevant. It’s time for a change in leadership.

By SUSAN SHELLEY, Los Angeles Daily News, 9/23/23

Every four years, a window opens in California politics. There is a little known opportunity to shake up the status quo and to change the leadership and direction of the state’s political parties.

Maybe it’s time for that to happen in the California Republican Party.

There are 5,236,952 registered Republican voters in California, according to the secretary of state’s latest report of voter registration. That’s a dismal 23.8% of the registered voters in the state, but it’s still a lot of people. Probably 600 of them, organized in small groups statewide, could take control of the California Republican Party.

The legislative session that just ended saw an unchecked Democratic political machine with supermajority control of the Legislature ram through a wish-list of destructive political priorities, including a double-barreled attack on the taxpayer protections in Proposition 13. Democrats who had presented themselves to voters as “moderate” voted in lockstep with far-left “progressives” who would be on anyone’s short list for president of the Karl Marx fan club.

The remains of the California Republican Party in the Legislature mostly watched from the sidelines. The GOP holds just eight seats of 40 in the state Senate, and only 18 of 80 in the Assembly.

This may be due in part to Proposition 14, the 2010 measure that abolished party primaries in state legislative and congressional races. Since 2012, all candidates for these offices are on the same ballot. The two candidates who receive the most votes in the primary advance to the general election, regardless of party affiliation or lack thereof. This led to a decline in fundraising for Republican candidates as big donors and political action committees calculated that supporting “moderate” Democrats was a sophisticated chess move that would protect their pieces on the board.

The California Republican Party gradually grew weaker and more irrelevant. And that had consequences for the entire state.

“The weakness of the Republican Party has let the Democratic Party, I think, go get further out than I think the majority of people want,” Gov. Jerry Brown observed in an 2018 interview with NPR. He wasn’t wrong. So many people moved out of the state that after the 2020 Census and redistricting, California lost a congressional seat for the first time in its history.

Brown told NPR he sees “plenty of opportunity for Republicans.” But many Republicans who are active in California politics will tell you that the California Republican Party never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

While the party puts little or no effort into winning elections for statewide and state legislative offices, a great deal of effort is put into winning various votes at the state party conventions, like the one that opens Friday in Anaheim. Frenetic efforts to collect proxies and wrangle delegates keep consultants very busy, all in the service of maintaining control of the party’s machinery, endorsements and money.

A momentary threat to this control emerged about 10 years ago, when supporters of presidential candidate Ron Paul very nearly took over the Republican Party of Los Angeles County. In the end, those who held the reins of power eked out a victory by promising to pay off the county party’s $1 million debt, but only if the current establishment kept control through the election of its preferred candidate for chairman. That’s what happened.

What would happen if the playbook of the self-described Liberty Caucus was deployed statewide by frustrated California Republicans, the people who hang up on the CAGOP’s fundraising calls, but not before yelling that the party isn’t going to see another dime until it starts trying to win elections in this state.

What’s in that playbook?

The Liberty Caucus targeted seats on the Republican Party Central Committee. These offices are on the ballot only during the primary election in presidential election years, because that’s now the only time voters receive a party-specific ballot. Only registered Republicans can vote or run for the Republican Central Committee seats. By law, candidates cannot have been registered with any other political party in the previous 12 months.

To try to take over the L.A. County party, the Liberty Caucus leaders persuaded supporters to run for Central Committee seats and then campaigned for their “slate” of candidates. There are seven seats in each Assembly district. All the candidates’ names appear on a page in the primary ballot and voters are asked to “vote for any seven.”Committees are elected within the county supervisorial districts and some in the Assembly districts. Some have seven seats and some have six. But they all have one thing in common: the filing period opens on Friday, Sept. 29, and it closes on Friday, Dec. 8.

To run for a Central Committee seat, contact your county elections office to “pull papers,” collect about 40 valid signatures of registered voters eligible to vote in that election, file the papers back with the county, and that’s it. There is no filing fee, because there is no salary. And as long as you raise or spend less than $2,000 on your campaign, you are not required to file any campaign reports or statements.

Central Committee members attend monthly meetings and state conventions, and they determine whether party resources will be used to help Republican candidates win in California, or not.

“Not” has been the prevailing choice for quite a while. The result has been the total loss of checks and balances in California government. One party has absolute power. And you know what they say about that.

8 thoughts on “California’s GOP needs to stop being irrelevant. It’s time for a change in leadership.

  1. The time to change leadership was over 25 years ago. For the past 25 years, the Republican Party in California has been nothing more than a Good Old Club. Unless a Republican had financial resources, they were basically ignored.

  2. I attended the March 2023 CAGOP convention in Sacramento as an associate delegate. Afterwards, I changed my voter registration from Republican to NPP … nuff said.

  3. There’s no reason to be Republican when the party doesn’t stand for anything. If it got back to its small government roots maybe it would be more appealing, but it’s just a party of whiners and no ideas and no interest in actual governance. California’s only hope are the ballot measures (initiatives and referendums) in which Californians still vote more conservatively than their elected legislators would. It’d be better to put time and financial resources behind those movements under an independent label, than to waste effort supporting a failed and irrelevant brand like the Republican Party. Here’s wishing both major parties collapse!

    1. Dear Dr. Trent Saxton, Please stop reading letters that are clearly NOT addressed to you. Please unsubscribe at the link below.


      Those of us who are still in the battle for this state.

  4. In Trinity County, a group of people revitalized the Trinity Republican Central Committee (if I have the name correct).
    I was asked to join, though I left the Republican Party over 10 years ago and am No Party Preference.
    The reason they started it was to get help from the Republican Party (State and National) with our proven election fraud. Proof we have gathered since 2014. Including observing the entire canvass for 4 elections (Primary and Generals. 5 days a week for about 6 weeks).
    The reason I refused to switch back to ‘R’ was because “They are not going to do anything.”.
    I was correct.
    People on the Republican Central Committee tried for YEARS to get the Republican Party (State and National) to help…at all.

    Because, guess what…
    The Republican Party WANTS election fraud as much as the Democrats do.

    1. Republican Central Committee of San Joaquin County is heavily influenced by political consultants. Those members defy facts and are trying to stop voter integrity procedures. Grand jury and investigations reveal voter fraud in several forms including unchecked envelope signatures, boxes of uncounted ballots, r-1 addresses receiving 10-20 ballots, faulty tally machines, unsecured drop boxes loaded with unsigned and fraudulently signed ballot envelopes. Our Board of Supervisors has tasked a group to examine security aspects of drop boxes, and other procedures to improve ballot integrity. Meanwhile our RCC continues to ignore member attendance requirements, minimizes activities involving member participation. Does the state GOP leadership want to paralyze the Republican party? If so, their goal in San Joaquin County has been achieved.

  5. I was a member of the 43rd AD CCC for 10 years. I was there during the Liberty Caucus situation you wrote about. When I first ran, I was clueless about how the Party was run. I just went along with what I was told. Then, after trying to make things happen for years, I found that it was absolutely useless to try, and I didn’t run again. Things are exactly as you describe. I’m stil registered Republican, but I feel completely abandoned by our party.

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