In the history of California, this has to be the dumbest bill EVER. With this new bill venture capital used to create start ups and finance growing companies will dry up. People with money will invest in companies in other States. Literally California will determine by gender and race, which companies you can invest in.
“Authored by Berkeley Democrat, Senator Nancy Skinner, “a social justice advocate, clean energy and climate change trailblazer,” who has never run a business or signed the front of a paycheck – she claims SB 54 will “bring transparency to venture capital investments in California and is designed to help more women- and minority-owned startups access vital VC funding. If signed into law, SB 54 would be the first such transparency measure in the nation.”
The bill has nothing to do with the business of investing in start-up businesses, other than to harm the practice. Venture capital investing has made it possible for many businesses which had a solid business plan, but needed the capital: Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Whole Foods and many others.”
Newsom is kicking capital, the life blood of the State, out of town! This is a great bill for him to campaign for President on. Imagine telling Texans or those in Georgia that capital, creating jobs must be based on discrimination.
Capitalists Report Diversity of Businesses they Invest in

Despite ‘problematic provisions’ and ‘unrealistic timelines’ Newsom signs bill
By Katy Grimes, California Globe, 10/9/23
Because “Venture capital investment does not reflect the diversity of California,” Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill to require the venture capitalists to report annually to the California Civil Rights Department the diversity of the founding members of the businesses they invested in.
“No joke,” to quote a certain president.
Authored by Berkeley Democrat, Senator Nancy Skinner, “a social justice advocate, clean energy and climate change trailblazer,” who has never run a business or signed the front of a paycheck – she claims SB 54 will “bring transparency to venture capital investments in California and is designed to help more women- and minority-owned startups access vital VC funding. If signed into law, SB 54 would be the first such transparency measure in the nation.”
The bill has nothing to do with the business of investing in start-up businesses, other than to harm the practice. Venture capital investing has made it possible for many businesses which had a solid business plan, but needed the capital: Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Whole Foods and many others.
In fact, early America was funded by venture capitalists for decades, albeit from England. When pilgrims made the voyage from England to America, their trips were funded, as was the “start-up” money to build their villages, businesses, and governments with the hope they would become successful and the investors would benefit financially. What would America look like if only women and pilgrims-of-color were funded under a diversity law?
In addition to the patent stupidity and needless meddling of Skinner’s SB 54, some believe the bill violates the First Amendment by prying into the gender, racial, ethnicity and sexual preference status of the founders of investment companies, creating an undue burden and invasion or privacy.
“Regardless of the bill’s constitutionality, it is so poorly drafted as to amount to gibberish,” the National Law Review said.
Well said – this is as ridiculous a bill as it is unnecessary.
Additionally, In April 2022, a judge tossed out California’s corporate diversity law to require publicly held corporations based in the state to include racial minorities and members of the LGBTQ community on their executive boards, ruling it “unconstitutional.” This was California passing another “first” with the board diversity quota, yet it followed an equally legally dubious 2018 law mandating female directors on all boards of the state’s publicly held corporations.
The judge went so far as to suggest the law was so obviously unconstitutional, it didn’t even merit a trial.
Bizarrely, Gov. Newsom signed the bill and said in his signing message he was doing so despite “problematic provisions” and “unrealistic timelines.” He said his administration will propose cleanup language in 2024.
Actually, that is the purpose and responsibility of legislative committees before the bill is signed.
The National Venture Capital Association opposed the bill arguing that the “diversity date collected will be misleading and counterproductive,” the process provided by the bill “is inefficient, unnecessarily punitive, and will violate privacy,” and the bill “creates financial risk and complexity for emerging and diverse venture capitalists.”
The bill is supported by the F5 Collective, a fund that exclusively invests in female founders. Why aren’t they required to invest equally in male-owned businesses?
Besides, if gender is “neutral” in California, why mandate venture capitalists invest in more women and minority owned businesses? California Democrats have been passing bills for years attempting to blur the differences between women and men. So why is this necessary? (hint: it is not)
SB 54 was passed entirely on party lines, 32-8 in the Senate, and 60-15 with 5 abstentions in the Assembly – more evidence that the California Legislature is not doing the business of the people of the State of California.