Carl DeMaio Moves to Prohibit Use of Taxpayer Funds for Legal Defense of CA Politicians When Charged with Thwarting Trump Immigration Enforcement Efforts

It takes leadership to stop the Progressive/Newsom Democrats.  Yes, the number in the legislature are against us.  That does not mean we can not use legislation to embarrass the Democrats.

“As California Governor Gavin Newsom and the Democrats in the state legislature rush to pass a $50 million “emergency” budget bill to hire lawyers to “Trump-proof” California, CA State Assemblymember Carl DeMaio plans to offer a provocative budget amendment on the Assembly floor on Thursday morning to outlaw the use of any state or local taxpayer funds for the legal defense of CA state and local politicians should they face civil suits or criminal prosecution for interfering with federal law enforcement.”

So, if Newsom is arrested for conspiring to protect criminals, he can not use your tax dollars to defend his criminal actions.  If the Democrats refuse to pass this—and Newsom or other recalcitrant get arrested, their use of tax dollars will become a scandal.  No one asked them to break the law—they should take the financial responsibility for the Federal violations.

Carl DeMaio Moves to Prohibit Use of Taxpayer Funds for Legal Defense of CA Politicians When Charged with Thwarting Trump Immigration Enforcement Efforts

Assemblyman Carl DeMaio,  1/29/25

“If California politicians face civil lawsuits or criminal prosecution for willfully impeding the work of federal law enforcement, state taxpayers should not be forced to pay for the lawyers to defend their reckless and illegal actions.” – CA State Assemblymember Carl DeMaio

As California Governor Gavin Newsom and the Democrats in the state legislature rush to pass a $50 million “emergency” budget bill to hire lawyers to “Trump-proof” California, CA State Assemblymember Carl DeMaio plans to offer a provocative budget amendment on the Assembly floor on Thursday morning to outlaw the use of any state or local taxpayer funds for the legal defense of CA state and local politicians should they face civil suits or criminal prosecution for interfering with federal law enforcement.

“In their rabid desire to position themselves as the national ‘Resistance’ to all things Donald Trump, Gavin Newsom and California Democrats are willing to use taxpayer funds to help illegal immigrant criminals evade federal law enforcement – while putting state and local officials at grave legal risk” – Carl DeMaio

DeMaio points to a recent letter sent to numerous California state and local elected officials by an attorney with America First Legal Foundation that “federal law imposes serious consequences for obstructing the execution of federal immigration law.” The letter warns California politicians could face criminal prosecution for “concealing, harboring or shielding aliens” and could face “potential personal financial liability” under civil RICO lawsuits.

DeMaio is concerned that sworn state and local law enforcement personnel are being put in legal jeopardy by the state’s Sanctuary policies. That’s why DeMaio’s budget amendment would make it clear that no state taxpayer funds could be used to hire lawyers to defend state and local elected officials who face such legal consequences for supporting Sanctuary State policies.

“By doubling down on their dangerous and illegal Sanctuary State policies, California politicians putting our state on a legal collision course with the federal government that puts everyone in legal jeopardy. Should the federal government or others take legal action against these reckless politicians, my budget amendment prevents them from sticking state taxpayers with the bills for their legal defense.” – Carl DeMaio

DeMaio is available by phone or zoom for interviews – or in-person at the State Capitol.

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