Newsom is claiming to be spending billions on the pandemic. Actually that is his cover for his special interest agenda. The pandemic spending bill includes $1.5 billion on electric cars—certainly something that saves lives—LOL. Then he is spending over $2
Category: Stephen Frank’s California Political News And Views
Newsom Gave Away the State
We all know that California is in a Depression—even Hollywood productions are fleeing the State. The Dodgers played the World Series in Dallas and the Rose Bowl moved to Texas. Oracle, HP and Musk have left—and I am getting a
Walters: Walters: How Did California Lose Control of COVID-19?
California is in a Depression and government policy has been set to keep it that way for many years. “Californians, we were told, let down their guard and began ignoring pleas from Newsom and health officials to wear masks, stay
Megan Dahle: Legislature needs to hold investigative hearings into mass unemployment fraud
Gov. Newsom has stopped hundreds of thousands of unemployed Californians from getting their unemployment checks. Why? Because his EDD is so incompetent that even death row inmates get timely checks! The fraud is so great, over one million accounts have
Social media is closing down open debate and differences of opinion. Mainstream media has lied about the fraud and corruption in the recent election—calling those who bring the proof “conspiracy theorists”. The NFL and NBA have become propaganda affiliates of
Out-of-hospital heart attack deaths spiked during pandemic
Newsom has found a new way to depopulate California—allowing sick people to die because he refuses to handle the virus in a responsible manner. “A new study examined out-of-hospital cardiac arrest records in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties from March
California Leaders Question Why Capitol Police Stepped Aside for Mob
No one questioned when LAPD allowed the looting, burning and rioting along Melrose Blvd. in L.A. near the famous outdoor mall The Grove? No one questioned why cops in Minneapolis, Seattle, N.Y, and Portland did nothing. In fact, in Seattle,
Newsom Includes $1.5 Billion for Electric Cars in Proposed Coronavirus Relief Bill
Rahm Emanuel, as Chief of Staff to President Obama famously said, “never let a crisis go to waste. Guv Nuisance, to protect us from the virus has killed jobs, closed schools and churches, isolated us, acted like a second grader
Actress Emily Ratajkowski: If Mark Zuckerberg Can Shut the President Off Facebook, He Can Shut Any of Us Off
Finally common sense out of Hollywood. “One such person is actress-model Emily Ratajkowski, who risked the scorn of her Hollywood peers and the mainstream media by expressing her concern about Zuckerberg’s decision to blacklist the president. “This gives Facebook/tech/Zuck THE MOST
FDA Warns COVID-19 Test Commonly Used In LA Is Faulty
This is a disaster. We cannot educate our kids because of the large number of virus cases. Now we find out government has approved a test that has major flaws and is inaccurate. We are using these tests to kill