They won’t give up until they bankrupt California. They won’t give up until folks say NO to stealing money. They won’t give up until voters realize they have been turned into ATM machines for radicals and grifters. “Political experts say
Category: Stephen Frank’s California Political News And Views
Santa Barbara: Looking at Mandating $26 Hour for Farmworkers—Will Skyrocket Inflation
How do you create inflation and lost jobs? The way Newsom did for the fast food industry—you have government determine wages. The Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors will on Tuesday discuss mandating a $26 an hour wage for farm workers.
Sacramento Democrats: WE Control Speech, NOT the People
Free speech no longer exists in California. Zuckerberg admitted that he censored facts, truth and opinion because the FBI and DOJ asked him to censor us. Sacramento Democrats and Newsom passed a censorship law—and Elon Musk is fighting back, to
New Data Shows California Lost 7,100 Fast Food Jobs in the 1st Quarter
Facts are facts. In the last quarter fast food jobs went down by 7,100. Not counted were the jobs NOT created. How many we do not know. If the Democrats had not taken over the pay and benefits of fast
Senate candidate Mueller defends claims about law experience
Yet another Democrat caught lying about his background. Tim Walz and his lies are not a one off. In California we have a minor league version of Walz—a guy who claimed to have been a prosecutor—and never was. Total scam
Should California community colleges offer bachelor’s degrees in nursing? Universities say no
Competition makes everything better. Here students who want to become a Nurse, with a college degree have three choices. I would hope a potential nurse has the common sense not to buy an expensive degree. Save the money for a
SF GOP snubs Republican in mayoral endorsements, quietly favoring conservative Dems
The LAGOP refused to endorse the lone, qualified Republican for DA. Instead the leadership wanted the NPP, the already discredited Nathan Hochman. Now we find that Hochman is supporting Kamala Harris. They have not apologized. The SFGOP just did the
Radicals Want to Close Santa Barbara’s STATE STREET Small Businesses, by Ending Cars on Street
They ended cars on Market Street on San Fran. Now many of the businesses are closed, the street are filled with illegal aliens, feces and homeless—no shoppers. Now the nutsy crowd in Santa Barbara want to end small business on
California’s Legislature Has Turned on the People
Representation no longer exists in the California Legislature. Bills are given only 30 seconds for debate—not a typo—to be heard. Elected Assembly members are not allowed to speak or question decisions. “Criminal justice “reforms.” Escalating crime, retail theft, sex trafficking, violent crime. Hundreds
Foreign Born workers jobs are up 2,035,000 jobs in 12 months–Native Born jobs are down -392,000 jobs in 12 months
Biden/Harris have performed a miracle. They increased the number of “foreign born workers” (that is the buzzword for illegal aliens). At the same time American born job holders are down by 392,000. So, who did Bidenomics help? Not Americans. Now