Del Beccaro: Student Loan Crisis Proves the Folly of Madam Deficit Harris’ Home Subsidies

Let me be clear—ZERO DOLLARS IN STUDENTS LOANS HAVE BEEN CANCEELED.  NONE, NADA, NOTHING. Instead they were transferred to the taxpayers, people who did NOT take out the loans, got no benefits from the loans and are not being told

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Democrat Congressman Nadler Announces:  “I am a RACIST—HATE WHITE MEN”

Jerry Nadler is a white male Democrat member of Congress from New York.  Unlike other Democrats he is absolutely honest. He promises that if the Democrats take control of Congress they will punish WHITE MALES WITH HIGHER TAXES. “Rep. Jerry

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Humboldt ‘dismayed’ with SF homeless bus program. Turns out they bus people here too

Great to see competition among cities in California.  Texas Guv Abbott is sending the Biden illegal alien to San Fran.  Then San Fran is sending illegal aliens to Humboldt—and the woodsie San Fran types living in Humboldt are upset that

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