California lawmakers resurrect controversial bill allowing early release for some felons serving life without parole

To California Democrats a prison sentence of life without parole for murder actually means 25 years.  In the future that could also be cut down to 10-15 years. “After being shelved for nearly a year, California lawmakers in the Assembly

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California District Allows 12-Year-Olds to Transition Without Parental Involvement, Denies It/LIES

Thanks to Sacramento Democrats and Guv Newsom, teachers are allowed to LIE to parents.  Now we find that Administrators of school districts have no problem lying to the media and the public.  Want to learn how to lie?  Go into

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Toilet Paper and Flat Tires — People Ignite Most Wildfires through Carelessness

Finally, the truth from the State of California.  Climate Change has NOTHING to do with the forest fires—the culprit are the humans.  Yet, hundreds of billions are being spent on this scam, to protect us from fires.  Human are the

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