California Governor Gavin Newsom was unamused by the video’s viral success and got triggered. He whined about Musk retweeting Mr. Reagan’s video and said parody like this should be illegal.”

Elon Musk is a hero.  He put together a video showing the “best” of Kamala Harris, in all her Fascist, totalitarian glory—no private health care, no fracking, bail for rapists and murders—and no cash bail for everybody else, higher taxes,

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California Special Education Aide Sues School District Following Administrative Leave Placement Due to Trump Backpack

If you showed up with a BLM, Planned Parenthood, Hillary Clinton backpack you would be applauded.  Wear an American flag shirt or use a backpack with the likeness of San Fran Nan and you get applause.  Show support for Trump

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