California is in a DOOM LOOM. San Jose, San Fran and Los Angeles are the most expensive cities for homes in the nation. The cost of electricity is 102% above the national average. In five years our government schools have
Category: Stephen Frank’s California Political News And Views
Biden and Harris two years ago took $7 billion to build 500,000 EV chargers around the nation. So far, they have built seven, most of which are in Vermont. Oh, some, though built, do not work. Now Harris wants $40
Are Americans ready for Kamala Harris’s California cost-hiking, business-killing policies?
This is what Kamala wants for America—what she got for California: “Electricity from solar and wind are specified by the state government, and supported by Harris, to be critical to meeting California’s ambitious requirement to switch to 90% carbon-free electricity
Berkeley Law Dean: No Need for U.S. Senate; Berkeley Professor Wants Elon Musk Arrested
How about a Congress that does not have a Senate? “Meanwhile over at MSNBC, UC Berkeley School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky told the audience choices made in the creation of the U.S. Constitution have “come to haunt us” — the main
San Jose has highest home prices in nation (L.A./San Fran #2/3)
Congratulations to San Jose. No town in American is more expensive to buy a house. Could this be why families and firms are leaving? “It’s cheaper to rent a home in San Jose than buy one, though renters still pay
Labor Day: Workers Celebrate Freedom from Labor Unions
“Free at Last, Free at Last”. That was the cry and slogan of the civil rights movement. What is more of a civil right of being able to work without paying bribes or tribute to unions or others for the
San Fran not alone in facing school-closure conundrums
Since 2019 California government schools have lost 400,000 students—it is expected another one million will leave the government schools by 2031. Yet the November ballot will have a $20 billion school bond–$10 billion for schools and $10 billion for Wall
Hamas EXECUTES Hostages: Biden Blames Israel—Shows His support for Hamas
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris demanded, and got, aid to Hamas for food and medical supplies, if Israel was to get weapons to defend themselves. Of course, Hamas has taken control of the food and medicine. The UN agency overseeing
Newsom Promotes OPENLY Anti-Semitic National Guard General
Biden and Harris are giving aid to Hamas, literally, with your tax dollars. Hamas executes an American and five Israelis—and he blames Netanyahu—NOT Hamas. Our campuses last spring were shut down by Hamas/Nazi supporters, harassing Jews, not allowing them to
The pot farm next door: Black market weed operations inundate California suburb, cops say
Once California legalized marijuana, the sky was the limited for ILLEGAL marijuana growth. Can you, by smoking the weed tell the difference between legal and illegally grown pot? Can the cops tell the difference? Of course not. The real goal