This is exciting. Now you literally live above a Costco. No need to drive, park your car. You can go downstairs and get your dinner of a $1.50 big hot dog and all the soda you want to drink. “A
Category: Stephen Frank’s California Political News And Views
Dolores Huerta Foundation vs. Bakersfield’s first charter school
Once again, the radicals in the Hispanic community want to stop Hispanic kids from getting a quality education. Instead they want their children in failed and mediocre schools. “One of the reasons in this particular fight was the Dolores Huerta
Report: Kamala Harris Wants to Hike Taxes by $5 Trillion
Judge for yourself—is Kamala Harris a Socialist or a Communist? “Other major Harris tax increase proposals include: You read that right—she wants to set tax rates, not on what is needed and approved by Congress—but based on an international organization
Jewish groups keep low profile in Chicago, wary of disruptors
Yet they support the DNC leadership and Kamala Harris who refused to speak up against this. Jews are not wanted or welcomed in the Democrat Party—what happened in Chicago is more evidence. Jewish groups keep low profile in Chicago, wary
Jewish Groups Take Matters Into Own Hands To Ensure Campus Safety
LAPD, campus police and in California, Newsom, can not be trusted with the safety of Jewish students on public college campuses. Jews need to now protect themselves. ““The unacceptable threat environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff on campuses across
RFK Jr tells the truth. The Democrat Party is working hard to END DEMOCRACY.
““And, most sadly — at all, for me, for the Democratic Party — in the name of saving Democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it, lacking confidence in its candidate, that its candidate could win in a fair
Police: California-Based Crime Ring Commits ‘Distraction Thefts’ in Utah, Illinois, Nebraska, and Wisconsin
California used to be the headquarters for the entertainment industry, tech innovations, agriculture and more. Now it is the proud headquarters for a national CRIME RING. Makes you proud that criminals are so safe and secure they can steal all
Under Newsom, soon illegal aliens will get a FREE $30,000 for a down payment for a house. Not to vets or the homeless, but to people who broke the law. In Oakland, San Fran, Berkeley and other cities, illegal aliens
Jewish legislators not giving up on more ‘guardrails’ on ethnic studies
Looks like the Jewish legislators in Sacramento are trying to make the mandated “ethnic studies” class, which is mandated in order to graduate, LESS anti-Semitic. That is a good goal. A better goal is to stop anti-Semitism being taught in
Great Truths, True Then – True Today !
We are about to enter the final phase of the 2024 election. Before we vote, we need foundational values and truths. My great friend Dean Kunicki sent these to me to share. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or no