Google agrees to America’s first newsroom funding deal. It’s already unpopular.

I use Google for free.  I know you probably do as well.  They make money by selling services and advertising.  This new devilment is going to change all that.  Sooner, rather than latter, Google will be forced to charge for

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Silicon Valley housing coalition rethinks future without bond measure

Now that $48 billion worth of bonds—50 years payout, less than $20 billion actually for housing—is dead, the bureaucrats need to find another way to use government to finance housing—inside a population decline. “In San Jose, Measure E funds are

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California advances 0 down, no payment home ‘loans’ for undocumented immigrants

Great news for illegal aliens—Gavin Newsom will provide you with zero down and NO payment home loan.  While vets are homeless, families of honest citizens are living in RV’s on the streets, Newsom wants to give a home to criminals

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