City of Thousand Oaks Approved $705,000 To Construct Gender-Mixing Restrooms at Local Schools

First, the City Council was forced to vote for “gender neutral” bathrooms—boys and girls share a bathroom.  But, the city staff tried to hide this fact by calling these bathrooms “all access bathrooms” as if they were meant for the

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A judge just hit this California college with a ground-breaking ruling after it censored liberty-minded students

Finally, a hate filled college is forced to pay big money for its repealing of the First Amendment on its campus. “The Epoch Times reported, “U.S. District Judge Jennifer Thurston found that the poster policy of Fresno-based Clovis Community College violated the

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Equality activists defeat attempt to reinstall affirmative action in California

Racism and discrimination was again defeated in California.  The Sacramento Democrats wanted to return to the slave days, ur, “affirmative action days”.  That was when like in the Old South, government approved and promoted racist hiring’s. “The proposal, ACA-7, was

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Bay Area “Housing” Bond Listed as $20 Billion—True Cost/NOT TOLD?  $48 billion

Government lies.  Ballot measures lie.  In the case of a “$20 billion” housing bond.  It lied BIG Time. “The state’s high speed rail program budget to complete the entire project has ballooned to upwards of $180 billion dollars. It was

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Little Lord Fauntleroy—Gavin Newsom—Uses $200,000 of Tax $$ to Get Pictures of Himself!!

When you see a picture issued from the Governor’s office, know that it cost YOU $200,000.  In an era of $80 billion deficits, every dime counts. “The governor’s office about six months ago named Ommanney its director of photography, a

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