Sacramento to Take Over Non-Profit News?  Google Would End Funding of Non Profits and Reporting CA News

If you pay for something, you control it.  The Democrat have a legislative effort to TAX Google, to fund non profit newsletter letters and effort.  In other words, government will own this portion of the media.  We know how radical

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Left in the dark: 25,000 streetlights are out in LA, putting safety at risk in some neighborhoods

Los Angeles is in a DOOM LOOP.  Crime waves.  Drugs everywhere.  Homeless killing off whole neighborhoods.  Taxes killing business.  Government schools losing students due to massive indoctrination programs instead of education.  Potholes everywhere.  Now, 25,000 street lights not working. “A

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Joe Biden’s ‘Equity Agenda’ Has a New Target: Kidney Transplants

UCLA is no longer concerned teaching future doctors about medicine—they only care about racism called equity.  That is why HALF the doctors failed basic tests.  Now doctors are being told to forget the science, forget approved medicine.  Instead, use racism

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